SLO v.s UC Schools in Biology

I’m planning on attending SLO for biology, and I am aware that they focus more on their engineering, arch, and agricultural programs, but how is the biology program at SLO compared to UC’s, specifically if I plan to go to graduate school (because I think it’s almost mandatory for Biology majors to go to some kind of schooling after undergrad). And will going to SLO compared to UC’s like Irvine or Santa Barbara lower my chances of getting into a good grad school?

Do you have a particular school in mind for a graduate degree? If you do, or at least an idea of the caliber of school, try finding out where the students come from. If a particular school is full of UC educated students, then you have an answer. However, you might be surprised at the variety of undergrad schools represented amongst the graduate students.

You can look up the placement surveys from multiple years in the past and see where students ended up. I only looked up last year. Most students got jobs or went to professional school, but one ended up at Johns Hopkins and another at Brown.

@eyemgh Where did you find information on placement surveys?