SLU medical scholar program vs U Pitt Pre med track. What will you suggest?

Here’s one of the SLU med scholars discussions.

There’s a medical school forum on College Confidential. Maybe post there.

You didn’t say what you can afford and what the cost of each school would be. Without that information it’s tough to recommend anything.

In general, med school is very expensive. Minimizing your undergrad costs is a very good idea.

Med schools don’t care where you went for your undergraduate degree. Prestige means very little. GPA and MCAT scores are most important along with recommendations and clinical/research experience.

Has your daughter shadowed any doctors? Is she sure she wants to be an MD?

With SLU, what if she changes her mind and doesn’t want to be a doctor? Will SLU still be a good option?

Which schools does your daughter like the best? She has about 10 days to decide. She needs to whittle the list down to 2 or 3 options quickly.

The SLU option isn’t bad but it’s not great either. If she knows she wants to be a doctor then it’s not a bad option.

If Pitt is same cost as SLU that’s a really good option. I think she can apply to the Honors program any time as long as she has a high GPA. There’s also a lot of medical research opportunities on-campus. I was an Econ/Math major and I had a job in the neuroscience lab taking care of lab animals. They couldn’t find enough people. They get over $500M each year from the NIH for research.

Both of my sons applied to Drexel. We liked it more than we thought we would. They’re on the quarter system, not semester so it’s a little more fast paced. Does your daughter want to do Co-ops? If so, Drexel is a known for that. I think they also have their own hospital system or they’re affiliated with a hospital system.

Good luck.

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