SLU, Northeastern, or University of TN?

I was wondering if anyone has any input for my college choice. At this point it is between NEU, SLU, and UTK. I am planning on being a biomedical/bio-engineering major with premed. NEU offers co-op opportunities and after undergraduate job placement that the other colleges do not. At SLU I would be an honors student and medical scholar. UTK is giving me a full ride, and at the institution I would be an honors student and engineering honors student. Both NEU and SLU would be the same cost for me (about 10k a year in loans). Is it worth taking out loans each year to go to a non state school? Also, should I pick NEU if I know that I can find a job through their co-ops even though I don’t like the city of Boston that much (I do not like the cold). Please help! I want to hear other opinions!