SLU vs Loyola vs UMKC vs Mizzou?

Hey everyone. its my first time using this so bear with me. I know the deadline to commit to a college is tomorrow and I already put in my deposit for SLU but I am thinking about transferring eventually.
I want to do premed and I just chose slu because my parents didnt want me going far from them but they are willing to pay for housing(which is currently the only thing I have to pay for while attending slu from the scholarship I received). I have a friend going to Mizzou(which is about 16k for me?) and she keeps telling me to do premed there instead. I don’t really know the pros and cons of each. I only consider going to Loyola because its in Chicago and the campus is really pretty but I would have to pay like 33k. and for Umkc I applied for the six year but I didnt get in and I will most likely apply again next year but my parents keep saying how it would be good if I went there my freshman year when I reapply so then I have a better chance of getting in but I feel like that’s a little to risky.

If you’ve already committed to SLU then what decision are you trying to make?

SLU has a pretty decent medical school plus it’s cheaper for you.

Get a high enough BCPM GPA and the money you save from SLU can be used towards medical school.

possibly transferring after a semester but I guess I’ll try to apply for the Umkc 6 year med program again next year and if that doesn’t work out I’ll stay at SLU

Stay at SLU. Great pre-med and med school. Mizzou and SLU are totally different campuses. I loved everything about SLU. The campus, the clubs, near city, sports, nearby parks. SLU is smaller and you get to know your professors. Don’t go in with a transfer attitude. Give it a year before you decide to transfer. It’s better to transfer with 30 hrs anyways. Good luck and enjoy your time at SLU. Go Billikens!

I would choose a less expensive Mizzou then Loyola at double the price, so Loyola’s out. It seems like SLU and Mizzou are similar in price…if so, I would stay with SLU and not transfer to UMKC next year. FYI for transfers to UMKC 6 year med program, an applicant can not have more than 24 post high school credits.
Good luck.