<p>OK, so I got this emailed to me. Try it out and tell everyone your results.</p>
<p>Count the number of F's in the following text:</p>
<p>3 right?</p>
<p>wrong. there are 6. read again. unless you're a genius, the brain doesn't process the O in "of".</p>
<p>I have a few problems with this. One, I counted 6. Two, why does not processing the o have any bearing on whether I can count f's or not.</p>
<p>This was posted already.</p>
<p>Sorry for offending you. How about it be viewed as a bump....</p>
<p>i probably would've only counted 3 if i hadn't seen a similar 'quiz' before. but this time i counted 6. sorry, i must be smart. lol.</p>
<p>****, i feel like an idiot...</p>
<p>i counted 5...i missed the F in scientific...lol</p>
<p>which is just weird</p>
****, i feel like an idiot...
<p>Same, lol.</p>
<p>i counted 3. good find</p>
<p>but then again, i'm not that smart</p>
September 10, 2006, 12:58pm
<p>I counted 6...hehe</p>
<p>haha i got 4, that's messed up</p>
<p>I got 6 this time:)</p>
<p>well im sure it only works the first time. i wonder if i really am a genius though :) id go with no</p>
<p>hey does anyone else have something similar to this? i kind of enjoy them.</p>
<p>what does the O have to do with the Fs. I'm only asking because I missed every F in every 'of' in the text.</p>
<p>^ Me too...</p>
<p>For some reason I missed all the ofs but got the rest?!?!?!?</p>
<p>lindsey yeah thats the point. its because your brain apparently doesnt iprocess 'of'</p>
<p>well that is just dumb...</p>
<p>if you read the whole OP it says that youre a genius if you get all 6. i got all 6 but i am nearly positive im not a genius...my SATs would be higher for one matter. i was hoping someone that might see this thread would know exactly what is going on though as well</p>
<p>isn't it b/c your brain processes the F in OF as a V when you're reading it, since it's pronounced as a V. i could be wrong.</p>
<p>I definitely got 4 the first time I did this...go figure.</p>