Small Pre-med schools, rural settings

I believe the figure can exceed one thousand.

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She has no interest in a big school, it’s just not her style. I’ve tried to get her to look at them “to make sure” and she doesn’t even want to do that.


Still going to throw out Grinnell again - you said something along the lines of her not liking the class style ? Can’t see the difference from
Carleton and she also wants professor interaction. If your budget is real, Carleton doesn’t fit. Friend’s daughter was between Carleton and Grinnell for her sport - money not a consideration, so she went with Carleton - would have saved” close to $100k over 4 years if went to Grinnell.


Besides SUNY Geneseo, I would also look at SUNY New Paltz.

Small, good students, pre-health advising, not as rural as Geneseo - more of a small, quaint upstate town with lots of hiking. Affordable, and there are a few airports she can fly into.

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My son, a senior at UC Berkeley, had 2100+ kids in one of his CS courses. That’s almost 50% more students than the entire population of my younger son’s college! Luckily he’s a very quick and independent learner and it did not phase him at all, if not he might have been in trouble.


UC Merced and some of the smaller CSUs (see post #5 of this thread) are in the 6,000 to 8,000 student range. UC Merced is in a rural area.


Please listen to the poster! Grinnell deserves a serious look!!



After reading through this thread (thank you all for great feedback and ideas) we are planing our first in-person tours out in early April (23d’s spring break)

First stop Minnesota! We will tour Carleton, St Olaf, and Gustavus Adolphus.

Second week: Whitman

D has been in touch with all of the coaches, so we are just waiting on their responses (she would love to meet with them in person) before finalizing our plans.

Carleton is a bit out of our comfort zone financially without any merit aid, but we will go look as my daughter just loves everything she’s heard about it, and felt like she really connected with the coach on the phone.

Priority for next available time to visit will be Ohio for Denison and Kenyon, KY for Centre, and VA for W&L (dreaming of the Johnson scholarship)

D has crossed a couple schools off her list as she researches (loves Sewanee but dress code is a deal breaker) She also wants to hold back on schools New England and the south, which are quite a few.

We’ll see how she likes the first round of visits and go from there! I’m hoping for a huge late storm in MN so the Southern California girls gets the whole weather experience lol!


Sounds great - if you have extra time, you’ll be close to others - like you can fly to Cleveland and hit a Wooster or Oberlin if you have time…or if you want to see a smaller large school, can add a Miami Ohio on the way from Ohio to Centre, etc.

I know everyone pushed for Grinnell - and if you have an extra day, you can do that with MN, etc.

Good luck wherever you go.

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Please keep us posted on what you think after visiting. I am curious to see if you see the Carleton/Whitman parallels that I did, in particular. Plus I always love the perspectives shared in a good college visit run-down.


Ha ha! April snowstorms in Minnesota are so pretty, a real winter wonderland with blue skies and mild temperatures. Watch out, she will be sold!

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What you need to point out to shatter the idea that all the snow is like an April snow is the dirty filthy snowbank in the parking lot (any parking lot will do). It looks more like a coal pile than a snowbank because it is black. Say “See that snow bank? It’s been there since November.”

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I have a D25 who is at Sewanee- really wouldn’t let the ‘dress code’ keep you from at least visiting this awesome school. It’s much more relaxed then it sounds. No PJ’s to class like some other school but otherwise it’s up to you how you want to dress. The academics and sense of community are excellent. We too considered W&L - a cousin went on a Johnson- but the scholarship money Sewanee offered for a high stats student were unmatched by any of the other colleges she applied to. A number of which that are on your list.

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I’m surprised Rhodes isn’t on her list.

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It was, but my daughter didn’t like the fact it was in Memphis. She prefers a small town or rural feel. The school itself sounds great, just not the location.

Hi all
I wanted to give an update after we did our MN tour last week.

We ended up adding Macalester College to our list. Neither of us thought it would rate highly as D was really preferring a more rural feel. But I had read the college was in a nice residential neighborhood, so we added it. Keep reading to hear how that went…

We dropped Carleton College off the list, since they don’t give any merit aid. The COA is about 75k a year and we feel without merit there are better options.

First stop was Macalester. We did a formal tour with admissions, and the coaches gave us a more in depth tour of the athletic facilities, and gave us a driving tour of St Paul. They treated my D and I wonderfully and we both left feeling very valued. My D got her first official offer to play her beloved sport in college! She loved how there were so many things to do so close (professional sports teams, Mall of America, etc) yet the area around the school really has a small town feel to it. End result - she LOVED the school and the area. This really proves that you need to visit in person if possible to really get a feel for it! Thank you to whoever suggested this school!

St Olaf - amazing, beautiful school!! Great merit scholarships and the admissions office was the most organized and gave the most straightforward info of all the tours. It’s definitely more rural (about a 45 min drive outside the city) but the campus and small town of Northfield are wonderful.

Gustavus Adolphus - another great campus! She really loved the coaches and team, and the cafeteria was fantastic. It’s farther outside the city (about an hour or so, felt a lot longer than the drive to St Olaf)

So, after my D kept insisting “no colleges in a city” she now admits she likes the idea of being in St Paul. It’s only 15 minutes to their airport (non stop flights a bonus too) there are stores and restaurants within walking distance of the campus, and so many opportunities being so close to the twin cities. She isn’t saying, but I think it’s her top choice at this point in time.

Next weekend we tour Whitman College in WA. After that, we are evaluating the next part of her list (Several suggested here in other states) to see if we should visit more.

Thanks everyone for all the input!