small schools or big schools? public or private? co-ed or whatever?


<p>It seems like the size of the school, whether it's private or public or if it's co-ed or not are big factors when we're choosing schools. Which ones do you prefer?</p>

<p>I went to a big elementary school with almost 700 students. Then moved to a small town that is like, deserted and away from civilization(haha i enjoy making fun of my town..).</p>

<p>So I don't think it will be a hard transition for me, in case I move to a big school like Exeter or something. (hahaha, yeah right. like that will happen.)
Advantage of big student body: Well, I can't think of any at the moment.
Advantage of small student body: Everyone knows everyone!!!</p>

<p>Private or Public</p>

<p>Some people think that public schools stink. Yes, they kind of do, in some ways.
Private school is good if you're somewhat choosy. And let's admit it, most of the time, students in a private school are more well-rounded than those who go to a public school.</p>

<p>Co-ed, all-girls school, all-boys school</p>

<p>If you go to a unisex school (i'm not sure if that's the right term), you'll learn they say. some of us feel safer around people of the same gender. disadvantage: when you go to college, it MIGHT be harder for you to get comfortable around other people.</p>

<p>hahaha.I'm sorry for this thread. I just think it's a very good topic. I know, some of you disagree and I would like it if you keep your bad comments to yourself. Thanks! Good luck to us all...March 10 is coming up! If we can just all go to our desired schools wouldn't that be splendid? =]</p>

<p>private vs. public-- (I don’t know how to do the quoty thing) “And let’s admit it, most of the time, students in a private school are more well-rounded than those who go to a public school.”
At my private school everybody is either a jock or doesn’t do anything. There are about 12 8th graders who play high school varsity sports (thats 13% of the grade!) . Now everyone else: There are about 3 string players in the middle school (5-8th grade), and probably about 5 serious wind players (in middle school). There are maybe 10 dancers. Can’t think of any (serious) painters, gymnasts, photographers, figure skaters… (this is all out of hmm…300 people) So, unless you count shopping as a hobby…thats not the most well rounded school I’ve ever seen.</p>

<p>i go to a big public (elementary of 500, high school of 1200), and obviously it’s co-ed.</p>

<p>public/private doesn’t really matter to me as long as academics are top-notch. at the high school i’m destined to go to next year, there’s like 1 math level for 1 grade (250/300 students!). wow! superb academics, no? _sarcasm!</p>

<p>i like co-ed schools. i need eye candy once in a while, y’know :wink: ;)</p>

<p>i like big student bodies. like, in small schools, i always feel suffocated. it’d be boring to spend 5 years with the same people that you know SO well, too (for me, anyways)</p>

<p>i like really big schools with lots of people that you probably won’t ever get to know, haha. it gives you opportunities to find people with similar interests/branch out/more competition (generally. not always)!</p>

<p>that’s just my opinion, though. :)</p>