Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

Congratulations!! You are a model of patience in this thread. May you all enjoy this spring and summer before the next chapter starts.


This is awesome. Congratulations on making a decision!


Update for people who are interested. Rhodesā€™s Admission Director was wrongā€¦ DD got a lot of credits transferred from community collegeā€¦ DD almost did not enroll (we were devastated) because the Director was so adamant that DD should be happy to be admitted (like Rhodes some kind of top prize like Harvard) and will get 0 credits transferredā€¦Admin Director was contradicting their own web page. That lady literally ruined our experience visitingā€¦ I am glad that we did not listen to herā€¦


Odd - where was the disconnect. They need to ensure they are providing accurate info.

who actually determined what was accepted ? Each department ?

Are the credits used for graduation requirements or for placement into HL classes?

That is odd. The good thing is now your D doesnā€™t have to deal with Admissions at the college any longer.

Hope she has a great experience at Rhodes and beyond.


Yep, it is total messā€¦ Rhodes said no classes will be evaluated until middle of fall. DD assumed she has 0 creditsā€¦ Last 5 hours of registration she got email from Registrar that she registered for class that she got credit transferred forā€¦ We were speechless and very happy.
But I agree, a lot of disconnect. Messed up registration thoughā€¦ All classes are full.

Nope. We had a letter from school counselor submitted to Registrar that listed every single class explaining all credits that were required and not required. We also submitted every single syllabus.


We have no clue. I have a gut feeling that Registrar did it based on so much documentation that was provided to them in email.

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Will this reduce the four year path ?

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Not likely. It is too risky to take more than 2 science classes with labs in a semesterā€¦


Excellent news!
And while it shouldnā€™t reduce her time there, itā€™ll help her have lighter semesters when she takes Orgo or other weed out courses + will let her explore subjects providing her with greater knowledge of various humans&societies (humanities&social sciences are appreciated, as well as thorough knowledge of Spanish or a language spoken by immigrants, could be French/Creole, Russian, Brazilian Portugueseā€¦) And less stress while she handles her activities! :slight_smile: Well-done.



Yay! This is such a great update after all of the confusion about what they would accept.

Hopefully her advisor or someone can help her revisit registration since the DE credits went in such a positive, yet unexpected direction. They can usually work something out since they know during add/drop there is a lot of movement.

Registration should be a breeze in the future with the extra credits in place. Being able to register for classes or sign up for the housing process with the credits of (probably) a junior is usually a great perk.


Another update for Jewish live at Rhodes for interested people.
On move-in day there was special Hillel reception for new students and their parents at Peabody Hotel. Very nice touch.
Yesterday, DD said that Hillel director posted Google docs with questionary. Students could choose what sinagogue to attend for upcoming High Holidays. (Including reform, conservative, or orthodox.) If student did not have a ride, Hillel is paying for Uber.
Hillel at Rhodes is small but regional director absolutely ROCKS by trying above and beyond!


@momsearcheng this makes me so happy!!
Sounds like your girl is exactly where sheā€™s meant to be!
If you havenā€™t had a chance yet, be sure to visit the Memphis Zooā€¦fantastic zoo!!


I am so happy to see Rhodes go above and beyond your expectations. I canā€™t wait to hear more updates on your daughterā€™s time there.


I didnā€™t but she did. I think it is at Rhodesā€™ backyard. I believe students have free entry once a week and can buy annual ticket for $50.
However, DD does not need it. She is working at an animal shelter playing with cats and dogs for Federal Work Study :rofl:.


How is the population size? How about the interaction with U of Memphis - I think they are sharedā€¦

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Canā€™t answer yetā€¦

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