Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

This student is a HS junior!


Statistics is sometimes a pre-med requirement. See . Statistics is commonly used in medical research, so taking such a course should be helpful in any case. Those with AP or community college statistics credit may have the option of taking a more advanced (calculus-based) statistics course in four year college in order to avoid relying only on AP or community college credit for a pre-med requirement while also avoiding a repeat.

Also just to clarify, Niche made this list for those who want to party— so a school with an A has a larger party culture than a school with a B.

Just putting this out there because when I first read lists like this when my son was looking for colleges, I interpreted the list “backwards” because we were looking for schools without much of a party culture and of course I saw the list through my own lens first and it took a little to realize I had to switch my perception.


ahhhh - sorry - 363 messages and I forgot - i did go read the first. I remember this is the one where I got confused with GPA. Thanks for correction.

Have Hobart, and Lewis & Clark been mentioned? Those schools are where my son got the highest merit aid 3 years ago. Something like $27,000/year.

I’m very familiar with Washington and Lee, and would put it in the reach category, and the full ride in the reach+ category.


I agree with you about Washington & Lee being a reach. However, they are very actively trying to recruit more Jewish students. We visited campus back in August. I am not sure if they took note of the fact that we asked to see the Hillel building or if my son checked off something that identified him as Jewish. He has yet to apply, and has been inundated with emails and letters from his AO making sure he is aware of the Weinstein scholarship.

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How about Kalamazoo College? I believe there would be substantial merit-based on GPA. Also, a good Jewish presence on the campus and the surrounding community. Also, the town of Kalamazoo gets recognized on a number of lists as a great college town.


Yes, we are paying for CC full tuition! I think discount for students something like $50.

We liked the vibe. However, there is no way my daughter will survive in the middle of the country with mold, bats and rats, no chance to move and very limited food options/shopping. She has sever allergies…
Once she is there she will be trapped.
I can tell you they liked her so much… that was scary… We got thousand of emails from school. On top of it they do not have full ride. I will have severe reservations to pay $30k for this school out of pocket…
This is very different from other schools. For example, older daughter lives on campus in(very decent dorm), cooks her frozen food and uses school shuttle to get to regular food store (Publix). We even used Amazon Fresh to get her food when she was busy. She is sooo happy not to be on any meal plan.

I think most freshmen living on college campuses must get a meal plan.


We do not care about party not party. But I do not want daughter on a SMALL campus (where everyone knows each other) with a lot of drugs, rapes and administration pretends they do not see it… I am sure you would not want it too.
Also with Wooster I know for a fact that some reviews are artificial. You can clearly get this by reading. There was also review from a parent who used to be proud that her child went to Wooster and now regretting it. That one I am sure is genuine.

In the end, you / your daughter have to pick the right school for you no matter what anyone here thinks.

Unfortunately, sexual assault is a serious issue. My daughter just had to help a friend to the hospital who woke up, with no memory. They assume roofied. This can happen anywhere. And does - as we looked, we saw articles about Tulane, Harvard, and so many others.

It’s why I implore my daughter to drink responsibly (I’d rather her not of course), to always see the drink being poured and always to retain access. I don’t know if this girl was attacked or not - I just know she went to the hospital for an examination and rape kit.

I read some of the greek stories - and colleges suspending kids for physical abuse, torture, and then drugs or sexual activity forced - and I have no idea why some of these kids put themselves in a position to allow it. As a parent, it scares the heck out of me.

It is scary and of course, none of us would want our kids in a situation like any of these.

Anyway, of course, your family will decide what’s best for your family. But $$ should help determine your list and at least based upon the experiences of other writers, you might come up short.

Just curious - you had St. Marys on your list prior - is it removed?


There are some issues with St. Marys. It has no Hillel and it is far from civilization. We may visit. We also had a friend who had to transfer from there to UMD. It also has a lot of negative reviews for such a small and supposedly stellar Honors program… Last not least it has very few languages (only French and Spanish are options) and language is a requirement.

Yes. But when you have no options and no kitchen for the other years it becomes a problem.

My daughter asked me, what is about University of Richmond? Nobody mentioned it…

It’s expensive.


I think you need to realize that you ONLY need to find a school that is within your parameters. Financially and would get get accepted to. After that, then cut down the list where your daughter feels good at. Take pre med out if the picture, that is available at any decent school. You are making this much more difficult than it needs to be.


Here’s some stats. You can get a similar report for any school. See page 3.

Richmond is very well thought of. A lot of ‘wealthy’ Northeasterners is the perception……like an Elon on steroids.

I actually asked if you had considered Richmond several weeks ago and attached a link with information on campus Jewish life. It is a match school for your daughter academically, but would be very hard to get enough merit aid to make it affordable for you. I think the larger scholarships are 1/3 tuition and are highly competitive

Here is their profile. I pasted below. . 37% receive need based aid. One in eight receive merit aid.

This will continue to be the struggle. Yes 1 of 8 gives you a shot bit if you go to a 3rd tier…like and it’s not right as a Jew, but at DePauw…very good school…someone with far less stats Is getting 30k.

High ranked schools like Richmond can find enough people to pay full freight. The Wooster of the world, someone mentioned Kalamazoo….they can’t so they are passing out merit like Santa on a street corner to ensure their pool of consumers is large enough.

Same with the OOS publics that are throwing crazy money around. They are looking for relevancy against the Michigan, UCs, UNCs that dominate the rankings.

Typically top schools and big merit are not on the same list. Yes exceptional students can get big $ at a Vandy, WUSTL, Emory but getting in is hard and getting money is really hard.

It’s certainly worth taking a flyer at these type schools as long as you have a few purely affordable in the back pocket.

You keep mentioning UMD. It has both an Honors and a notch below a Scholars program. While it’s too big, hopefully those cohorts work to provide some of the experience on a smaller scale.

If UMD is truly a safety for your daughter, then where you apply, even if they end up not working, it’s ok bcuz UMD is the affordable safety.

But if you ensured merit to the level you need is at least possible, you’ll find a much better list. What you don’t want is a bunch of acceptances but at schools that don’t give you near enough to make it work. If Dickinson gives no one $40k and you need $40k (just an example using a name on your list) then why apply ?