Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

Not according to this:

Did you get an impression that majority of Muhlenberg students (including Jewish students) tend to be more liberal-minded?
Look at their incoming class Instagram page. You will get an idea…

Interesting statistics. We were told otherwise (by currently attending student).

We were visiting during break. Also how do you plan to figure that out? Will you come to them and ask are you liberal? They do have a lot of Jewish services including family dinners with local families. My DD was very excited about that (I doubt she will ever do it, but who knows.)

Here is Juniata numbers

Significantly less. Plus you have Philly around the corner at Ursinus with unlimited choices and you have nothing at Juniata. No Jewish community, no passover food.

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We were looking at the incoming class here

You can tell many kids have liberal views. It may create a certain culture on campus…

Yep, but my daughter has couple twins there right on page one. She will find her crowd there in no time. So many great kids.


I looked at the Instagram page and saw that many students list their pronouns. This is not uncommon. I assume this is what you are referencing?

If this is a problem for the OP (not saying it is) then she just created another obstacle for finding an affordable college. Plus- as a medical student and physician she will have patients who wish to be called by their appropriate pronouns.

My daughter has her pronouns listed on her LinkedIn.

Right, but many HSs don’t have access to Scoir. They do make it free for Title 1 schools, but some admin or counselor has to invest the time to learn it and train students/ families to use it.

That is absolutely not a problem for me or both of my daughters. Both have friends that belong to LGBTQ communities.

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It seems this is what summer2018 was referencing, but perhaps I am wrong.

I think Coalition will stay. It will be just integrated with Scoir. So students can fill Scoir or Coalition and their apps will end up in the same integrated database.

I also initially thought that students now days just do that (list pronouns)… Until I checked other schools’ pages… Then I realized it is probably this specific college culture (obviously Muhlenberg is not the only one like that)…

If the HS doesn’t use Scoir, I don’t understand how the students would be able to access the coalition app. Scoir is a competitor of Naviance and Maia Learning, so if your HS uses those, the students wouldn’t have access to the coalition app, as it looks right now. Hopefully the details will become clear before the start of the application season.

It is half theater school. If you are not aware there are a lot of LGBTQ kids in theater. My oldest was in theater for years and loved that community. Strangely enough she did not click much with theater at GaTech.

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My daughter was a tour guide at a different college. The guides wore pins that said “ask me my pronouns.”

My understanding that Coalition will stay as is for its users. If this is the case I do not care with what other systems it will integrate.

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Good point. Theater major is very popular at Muhlenberg…

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I am sure Muhlenberg is not the only one! I know that Berkley is kind of like that too…

Berkley is very liberal. It is absolutely different level… I would never consider Berkley as an option.

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