Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

Nope, no separate Coalition app anymore.… from the link you posted:

Rather than provide a separate application, the Coalition for College will integrate the application process within Scoir, software that many students and counselors use every day.

It shouldn’t matter for your D at all if she can’t access the coalition app. If she goes over 20 apps, she can use schools’ own apps….most have that option.


Probably the main reason to prefer Kalamazoo over Ursinus is what the town of Kalamazoo has to offer. Small campus, small enrollment but part of a much larger, happening community of college students.



Could you clarify something? At one point, I believe you suggested your daughter would like easy access to things to get to off campus but near the college. Is that correct?

Yes. And that is why Ursinus will most likely win over Kalamazoo. She needs access to a bit more than just a campus.

Just showed that instagram to my DD. She said that half of her HS is like that :slight_smile:. She has no problem with it.

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I think I mentioned this upthread but I keep coming back to Rowan. It’s a good-sized but not huge public. It has a lot of engineering students but the required science courses for pre-med are definitely not weed out classes. There is a new hospital nearby. They have an MD and DO school. It’s in southern NJ so not far from home.

I believe there is an active Hillel because my D’s friend has been involved there and I’ve had the impression it’s a good place. I don’t know about the immediate area but there are towns like Cherry Hill a reasonable distance away with very active Jewish communities and a variety of congregations.

The OP’s daughter would probably be a candidate for the honors program which is wonderful. Housing is newer with apartments with private bedrooms after the first year.


You need to call each school. We talked to several schools and they said they had no idea where Hillel got their #s…most were overstated by Hillel but a few understated.

Use the Hillel site for direction but not for absolutes.

You want to see the college hillel facecbook page - see if it’s been updated or years old, has activities planned, etc. Don’t be afraid to email someone - the contact…which you can also get from the Hlillel page. But don’t take the Hillel page as accurate.


I will weigh in on the distance from Furman to Greenville. Let’s just say…it’s a REALLY long walk. Really long. The campus is not in downtown Greenville but rather way on the outskirts.

I was there one day visiting…and all of the friends went to a football game. I passed on that. I listened to the marching band play…and then thought I would walk into Greenville for coffee or something. I asked directions from a few people who suggested I really needed a car to get there. I believe them.

Just another thought to consider.

I know I sound like a broken record, and I do understand that your kid isn’t interested…but College of Charleston is IN downtown Charleston. So easy to access off campus things to do (and jobs).


And Furman is NOT the place a Jewish kid should go - not one seeking a vibrant Jewish life.

And Kalamazoo has far more to off campus (it’s a real city) than Ursinus - unless I missed the comment?? It’s a real city - and has an adjacent public university.

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That is exactly what I am doing.

Ursinus is 20 min shuttle from Philadelphia. Am I missing something? Kalamazoo may be way too cold for MD girl.

Etown has Hillel, but it is very small (I was in touch with them directly). Please, remind me - is that school under your consideration?

The OP said her daughter is looking for a specific foreign language that isn’t common. I meant that the smaller the school, the less likely it is to offer languages that aren’t Spanish or French. The school may not require a foreign language to graduate, but the student seems to want to continue in this specialized language.

Dickinson offers a lot of foreign languages.
@momsearcheng , did you check if your language is on their list?

My guess is kids aren’t going into Philly…maybe once in a blue moon. And it’s not 20 mins to Philly. 20 to burbs. 45 mins to Philly.

Kalamazoo is a real city and the school right there near the bus district. . So on a day to day it’s very unlikely kids are going to Philly but they may be enjoying the local area….the K kids certainly enjoying the city far more than kids at Ursinus. At least do the research. And check out the Hillel. K is a well thought of school. But yes small but WMU right there and they have a decent Jewish population as well. Perhaps the Hillels mingle like in some other cities such as Pittsburgh.

Plus u seek pedigree. Niche rates K # 68 LAC vs 112 Ursinus.

Not telling you to apply but it’s worth researching. Weather wise will be similar to Wooster as an example. If you have extra app space after your 12, could be one to shotgun.

After looking through the Hillel website, there are a few schools I want to (re)mention.

As a frame of reference, these are some of the colleges you or your D have been a fan of (# of Jewish undergrads of total undergrads, using Hillel’s numbers, which for total undergrad I am not entirely sure are accurate in all cases).

U. of Richmond: 200 of 3161
Dickinson: 276 of 2133
Muhlenberg: 550 of 2251
Gettysburg: 100 of 2371
Rhodes: 70 of 1973
Clark: 578 of 2349
Elon: 800 of 6171
Ursinus: 150 of 1472

The private schools previously mentioned that may be deserving of extra attention are:

Rider: 160 of 3763
Roger Williams: 300 of 4523
U. of Hartford: 650 of 4793
Goucher: 300 of 1449 (same size as Ursinus but double the Jewish population)

Publics you may want to look more closely at are:

Ramapo (no classes with 50+ people): 250 of 5574
SUNY Plattsburgh: 200 of 4,871
College of New Jersey: 350 of 7189
SUNY New Paltz: 900 of 6717
SUNY Oswego: 1050 of 6920

And then a couple privates that you might want to check the price on:

Yeshiva: 2710 of 2710
Ithaca: 1000 of 5852
Hofstra: 850 of 6498


Yes. We loved Dickinson. It is on priority list.


Yeshiva will not take my daughter. She is from public school. She will not be able to pass any Jewish studies that required 12 years of schooling and deep knowledge of subjects.

Clark is missing our foreign language, and Elon does not have enough potential merit I guess.

Dickinson might be on your “priority” list, but to me it looks like a strong match school - will it provide your daughter with huge merit? Maybe she will get some, but will it be enough? I think she should apply, but I would refrain from showing too much excitement.

Given your need for huge merit, combined with a student who is very good (congrats!) but not at the very top (as per test scores) I would put most of my time and energy into the recommendations that have been provided to you here. That is where I would my energy.

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