Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

This is where they feel Ursinus is a slam dunk - from your previous post.

It may work out for them…but the $$ may/may not be a slam dunk…that’s the unknown. That’s strong for Rhodes too - maybe why it’s on the list because it meets little of the required qualifications.

Sounds great, except DH is sick of traveling and visits… and we already visited Gettysburg, Dickinson, and Muhlenberg. I am not sure we will go as far as Rochester. We eliminated Hofstra (friend of ours just visited and I have pretty good picture of the place now). We are not planning to visit Ohio again and go to Rhodes. Probably will go a bit around NY/NJ and visit more south. There is no way to cover more than 2 colleges a day. I think fist couple visits gave us enough picture of Dos and Don’ts.

Thanks! This is exactly in line with my expectations. Where will you child will go?

And….just for an alternative point of view…my son applied to college and was accepted during the height of covid and ended up visiting none of his schools and seeing the one he chose for the first time when he arrived to start school.

Not ideal, but just food for thought.

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Agree with dropping Hofstra. Doesn’t seem to fit with her academic ambitions, even if the money worked out.

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Totally familiar with that scenario, with older DD that graduated in 2020. She visited UMD, 3 schools in Boston area (eliminated NE from the list), Case, CMU (with school) and end up in GT without ever visiting. I expected love based on previous experience and I was correct.

Total COA for Tulane is $80,000 right now. If your D gets $20,000 and your job gives you $20,000, the school will still not be affordable. That’s the problem. Plus…things are so crazy now that she might not get in (despite being a great student).

Your D wants a “competitive” school. Several publics that were recommended check that box.


Having choices among financially feasible schools is a good place for students to be in the spring of senior year. Every year here we see posts from students who have only one affordable acceptance, and wish they could at least weigh some options rather than HAVE to go to the one school. Plus, student preferences evolve during senior year, and what seemed like a perfectly fine safety may not feel that way by April. Having choice helps a student “own” the decision and get excited about the opportunity.


My 2025 3.9 33 ACT was rejected by Tulane (7 AP’ with 4’s and 5’s).


Sorry to hear that, not surprised tho. College admissions is brutally tough.
I think OP may be in for a rude awakening…expecting admission & merit, and daughter hasn’t even taken SAT yet, or toured many of the schools.

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Have you been perusing the threads for the Class of 22? It’s been a tough cycle and probably will remain so when your daughter applies. Kids with great stats shut out. You need to apply broadly.


Well 20+ schools is broad enough to me (no very top schools). As I said 3 safeties should be enough to feel that she made her choice…Oldest had one safety -UMD and had at the end 3 solid financially sound choices with only 10 schools on the list. Yes I know she got the most expensive of 3 choices but that was joined decision.

You have no idea how realistic I am about opportunities. We did it 3 years ago with older daughter who had very high stats and got good money only at Case (with merit at UMD). I am not expecting much. I do expect results from 3 safeties, the rest is a lottery. However, I am not interested to send my child far way for little money into a school that is not a match at all. We will see how EA will work and adjust after that. Older kid got only one acceptance from RD (that was a big surprise with CMU); all other acceptances came from EAs (with deferrals and WLs). In any case, it is not the end of the world. Students can do gap year or apply for spring semester. They can also start in one school and transfer to another. She can be accepted to any instate school without any problem at any time.


Is your daughter good with the 3 safety schools? Is she aware that she will be attending one of them if the other schools on her list cost more than $25,000? Have you had that discussion?




Wow. This is very specific. You have it all figured out.

A bit of update. We have narrowed down list to 21 schools. I have feeling that it is a bit too many.
Currently as safety are:

  1. Ursinus
  2. St. Mary’s MD
  3. Juniata
  4. Miami of Ohio
    I have as #5 safety - Binghamton and I am over the fence to keep it or not… It is nice school but chances to get merit aid OOS are slim. It is not on the list of Match/Target schools (other 7 schools). So should we drop it? On the other hand it is easy to apply. Just extra $50…
    DD GPA Weighted 4.77, unweighted 3.98. She is applying test optional.
    21 schools force DD to put one school through Coalition. Pain but possible.
    From current list of safeties preferred most likely will be Juniata. (We surprisingly really liked it during visit)
    Ursinus - too small but already pretty much accepted DD and will give good merit aid.
    St. Mary’s is OK.
    Miami of Ohio is probably too big and too far but may give some merit.
    So should we drop Binghamton? Your thoughts…
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If you don’t like Bing more than the other safeties and it’s not likely to be cheaper, then there’s no reason to keep it.


Out of curiosity, what are the other schools on the list?

I agree Juniata is a safety for your daughter, why apply to 4 more safeties that she doesn’t like as much? If you are trying to reduce the number of applications then you can drop 4 that easily.