Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

That is why DD will not attend UMD :slight_smile: if by May she wants to commit to premed.
This is why we have small colleges vs. big public on the list.

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You are still blindly accepting that UMD students will know their profs less well than at a small school, and that isnā€™t per se true.

If it were true, no UMD student would ever successfully apply to med school, or DO/PT/PA schoolā€¦but we know many UMD students are successful in these pursuits.

I am not sure we have covered Pre-med Committee Letters in this thread, but at each school your D is considering she must understand whether or not the school provides Committee Letters (required for many Med school applications), and if they do, do they give all students the Committee Letter, or do they only write it for students who they deem are most likely to be accepted (thereby protecting their med school acceptance rate). If a med school applicant comes from an undergrad school that provides Committee Letters, and the applicant does not receive one, their applications will not be successful.

Here is info on UMDā€™s Committee Letter process, and Washington Collegeā€™s.


At one of the colleges we visited someone asked the dean whatā€™s the MS acceptance rate. He laughed and said that basically 100% because they only write letters to those students who they believe will get in.
Another college we visited said that they do not restrict students from applying and write supportive letters to all students that want to apply to MS.
Obviously, my student never applied to the first school, but did apply to the second school. The first school is public, the second one - small private.


Remind me what your D wants to major in.

This has been discussed a lot. SOME medical schools are not community college courses friendly.

@WayOutWestMom can explain further if that is needed in this threadā€¦and isnā€™t deemed off topic.

Actuallyā€¦read this thread!


Could be true, but from personal experience of ALL of my friends and extended family who went to UMD, none of us had a personal relationship with any professor. Perhaps we are all slackers, but the experience I am seeing at LACs is much closer relationships with professors are available to all students.

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Could be true, but from personal experience of ALL of my friends and extended family who went to UMD, none of us had a personal relationship with any professor. Perhaps we are all slackers, but the experience I am seeing at LACs is much closer relationships with professors are available to all students. (That being said, my second child is only looking at larger colleges, but I think that is fine for her personality)


I went to a very small LAC my freshman year. Iā€™m quite sure I didnā€™t remember the names of my professors after the year ended. Transferred to a large public universityā€¦and I still can name every instructor I had. I had very meaningful times with them all.

But thatā€™s a digression here.

I hope the OPā€™s daughter finds a college that is right for her. She is the one going to college.:wink:


Which might be more a function of the type of classes typically taken as a freshman, vs. later, when one might choose more specialized classes, sometimes based on who the instructor is.

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I think this is really impressive. Congratulations! We are looking at $30K currently and no discount from work. Is it the work discount that brought your cost down so considerably or you were able to receive additional scholarships? Wondering if there is still hope for us to bring the cost down furtherā€¦

If you have the right stats or choose the right school (w Carolina for example), you can beat $30k even on base cost.


My sonā€™s stats are pretty high, and he got the maximum merit scholarship from all the schools he applied to. He could get a better deal with a few public schools, but he chose small LACs and applied to them onlyā€¦

Then you need a public school like Truman State that has big merit. Or Mn Morris, a public LAC that is under $30k b4 merit.

It is hard tho to hit such a low # when an entire swath is eliminated.

Both Ogelthorpe and Hendrix and maybe more - have a way to get in-state flagship tuition. And W&L has the Johnson. Iā€™m sure others have similar too.

Best of luck in hitting your financial target. But obviously getting your student to the right school for him is most important.


Absolutely agree. The right school that would maximize the chances to succeed is a priority for us. Thank you.


Psychology or neuroscience.

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Which offers up other interesting pathways, if during college years, interests should change and medical school is no longer the target.

DD got some interesting results so farā€¦
Most schools did not finalize their FA packages yet. Still needs to apply to Muhlenberg.
1 rejection - Case Western (we suspect that they did not like that older DD did not go after good scholarship or younger daughter was not financially attractive due to FAFSA and CC creditsā€¦)
1 deferral - University of Richmond. We treat it as rejections, since 0 chance of scholarship. Richmond had 9000 apps for EA. All people she knows were deferred. She is very proud of deferral :slight_smile: .
Got in:
Furman - 28K merit, no FA packet yet.
Hobart and William Smith - $40k Elizabeth Blackwell scholarship merit, $3k grant, $2k not guaranteed Federal WS.
Rhodes - 42K (scholarship +grant)+ 2.2 FWS
Also got into all safeties:
Juniata -37K + 1.5 K FWS
Ursinus good money but DD does not care - not interested
St. Maryā€™s MD 6K - not interested
Miami of Ohio - did not get presidential but got smth around 33K - not interested anyway
Waiting for the rest. DD will not make her choice until end of April.


Congrats to your daughter! Will any of these schools come down to your desired cost?

She can attend any of the above. Remember we needed half ride. She got it everywhere.