Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

Fabulous news! Do we get to vote?? I know my favorite!

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You will after more results will come. I can guarantee that the choice will be non-trivial. You have no idea what is coming :slight_smile:


if she gets accepted to one of the BS/MD programs, I imagine that would trump the rest of these. But I’ll be patient and wait.

Thanks for the update. Nice news for her!


Out of curiosity, what is your favorite so far? DD is sick of all of these essays, interviews etc.
I doubt that she will get BS/MD but she may get BS/DO. Only time will tell.


I would vote for Rhodes. It is about three miles from St. Judes Childrens Hospital. A great location for someone who wants to be a pediatrician.

Rhodes has excellent medical school placement and advising.


It is my favorite too :), except it is 12.5 hours drive + a bit dangerous Memphis and quite expensive airline tickets from DC. It is the cheapest from the list. We will go there in the middle of April for accepted students program and will see. It also has terrible reputation for campus food, and DD is a foody.


One of my favorite CC posters had a daughter who attended Rhodes on pretty much a full ride. She was given the opportunity to do very significant undergrad research. She definitely took advantage of their advising. She was accepted to Yale School of Medicine and did her residency at Duke. Pretty impressive!


Congrats. I’m so very happy you applied to so many schools even if you don’t think so. It brought you all these offers and it’s ok that there’s a rejection and deferral. It shows you applied to the right rigor of school. If you look at CWRU rejections, they’re rejecting and deferring kids with crazy high GPAs and SATs - like 1500.

So you brought up an interesting point later - food - and it is critical. Many of us have probably experienced kids that don’t eat well, get low blood sugar and struggle. I know many chats have been on here about at Gtown, kids are spending thousands above their meal plans eating.

While there are numerous food ratings, Niche is one that gives a letter grade to all and for the most part it seems to track comments - but obviously food is also different person to person. I added dorms too.

Based on your list, they rate as such:

It’s listed as Dorm, Food

Furman - B, A-

Hobart - C+, C-

Rhodes - C, C

Juniata - C-,C-

Just curious, why is Miami of Ohio out? It’s B+ B+ $33K merit there is strong and would get you to a fantastic price.

You haven’t applied yet but Muhlenberg - A-, A+ so likely has good food. It’s rated 10th of 1373 so likely a good sign. And it’s a strong Hillel.

I go to Memphis for work - Rhodes is in a not great area and if she does Hillel, it’s shared with U of Memphis - you might ask where it’s held and how they get to activities.

Many schools are upgrading food because of students like your daughter - everyone is having to up their game so be sure to talk to kids about that when you’re there. But also ask each school about shadowing opportunities and look at their pre-med success.

You have affordable options - and that’s what you were after.

As for going to Memphis, if your tuition is at your required level, then going a few times a year is just an added expense you need to account for. Hopefully it’s low enough to make up for travel expense if that’s what you like.

I know you mentioned getting there in the afternoon on the 14th. I know you are taking the $105 flight on Frontier but don’t forget, the fare on Frontier isn’t the fare. I was just going to mention, while Southwest is more, the duration is shorter and if you bought a $500 giftcard on (assuming you’re a member), it’s $449.99 so in essence the published fare is 10% less. And you’d save 3-4 hours of travel time (at least on the way out).

I’m glad your process is progressing and I think you’ve done a nice job. I have a feeling Muhlenberg may be a nice fit learning about the food issue.

Thanks for keeping us updated.


Congratulations to your D on all of her acceptances with sufficiently generous merit aid packages! It’s wonderful that she will have many good options to choose from. I appreciate you keeping us updated! Which schools from this list has she visited already?


Muhlenberg has the best food. But we are not only after food :).
I think rigor and fit are also very important. It cannot be too low or too high. I think I found (with CC’s help) good “match” list. We will see results later.
DD never considered Miami of Ohio as a good fit. It was like - “Why should I apply? It is known as a party school.” I was looking at Niche but more overall. I have to pay more attention at dorms and food but we will revisit top final list (if it is local enough). It is interesting that H&WS has so low rating, its R&B costs arm and leg.
I had no idea about Costco has airline gift cards. I can see it online now. Thanks for the idea! We may use it in the future


I think websites are directional. So yes, Miami has a party atmosphere but I assure you so will Furman and Rhodes and Maryland. It’s about finding your people, your programs, your overall fit.

You have to see to know what fits right. For my daughter, Miami was FANTASTIC on paper but we got there and the ruralness threw her off. She didn’t expect that.

I promise - you can find rigor at all these schools if you seek it - magazines are great for starting a list but you do need to see and feel if you can to be sure.

I can’t say Muhlenberg has the best food. I can only say in regards to what a third party is saying. And you have to be careful on admitted student days - some schools gussy up the food. Ultimately, one has to decide for themselves - just like they have to decide about the campus feel and other aspects. We are not your daughter. She may go to these other schools and decide oh dang - they’re too small!!

Keep doing what you’re doing - it’s working !!

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Thanks! We visited a lot (12 out of 20 schools that she applied). It is a bit insane, but most schools were in driving distance. We did not visit Furman, Rhodes or H&W and Miami of Ohio. We do not plan to visit Furman or H&W until we get all results (DD said no to Miami, as to Ursinus, and St. Mary’s. )Rhodes is cheapest on the list and most difficult to visit, so we had to arrange visit in advance.


I went to Niche and plugged GaTeh (oldest DD) out of curiosity. Dorms are ranked like C.
Sorry, if students are upset. Yes Freshman dorms are old. However, DD lives now in upper level dorm that was part of Olympic Village in 1994. There are 4 student per suite. Each student has a room, and they have 1 bathroom per 2 students, and kitchen/living room with dishwasher for their suite. If this is C, well, these students are spoiled.


Students are but again it’s for directional use and many schools have updated so many may stink and some may be fine. They’re likely skewed to first year - especially at schools where kids move off after.

It’s a guidepost. Gives you an idea.

When you are on campus talk to kids. That’s the best thing to do. Abd if it’s not an admitted student day, sample the food.

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For my kids, food and dorms were never an issue. Two moved off campus junior year, two sophomore year. My kids eat EVERYTHING. As a SAHM who loves to cook, my kid expected never to eat something twice a month, they liked a huge variety and new options. I’ve looked at the niche grades for their colleges, the worst was probably a B, and according to folks on the parent pages, their kids were starving to death and needed $900 worth of grub hub offerings each month. Drama, I used to eat hamburgers sitting in hot water. Three of my kids were in hellish freshman dorms, 50 years old, two in brand new gorgeous dorms. I think the ones in the crappy dorms had more fun, it’s a bonding experience (I know it was for me). Anyway, food/dorms were never a part of my kids’ decision making. They are also very into exercise and nutrition


One of the strongest and best organized graduate students in my department did his undergrad at Miami Ohio. They clearly have serious students, too. I wouldn’t dismiss it just based on the reputation.


Every public college (and most private ones) have a reputation for being a party school.

The only way to avoid a party school is to get an online degree from U Phoenix and live in your childhood bedroom, eating dinner with the family every night.

The serious students don’t get caught up in the party scene- at every single college OP’s D has applied to, there are students who are volunteering in the community, organizing symposia with professors, editing a Dean’s manuscript, attending poetry readings, working with the administration to reduce solid waste in the cafeterias, shadowing professionals in the area who have really cool jobs which may or may not be of interest long term.

Whether any particular kid gets caught up in party culture has nothing to do with the U and everything to do with the kid.

When I think of Miami I don’t think of party school (Hobart has a bigger party reputation in my area). The Miami grads I know worked really hard in undergrad!


Every kid is different. My kid lived in the Taj Mahal of dorms and was bored and wanted out - no doors open, kids coming by, etc.

My 2nd lived in one that should be condemned and is scheduled for refurb. But she was fine.

My kid spends on food but also has a meal plan knowing that she doesn’t always have time to eat.

No car - but i pay for uber to the grocery store. She wants a car - but is in a city and i won’t allow. My son has a car.

Every kid is different. But there is no question, especially at the private colleges, there’s an arms race. Rich kids grew up at the JW Marriott and W - they want it all and colleges (even top ones those like WUSTL) are doing their best to give them the product they desire.


and their rep is strong
and they are known for quality of teaching.

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I meant the party school reputation, according to the OP.

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