Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]


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This is wonderful news! Huge acceptance! Congratulations!

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DD did not get Presidential or Razor. Has $22k scholarship with $36k tuition + fees and R &B. It gets her COA with tuition reimbursement from work almost identical to Rhodesā€¦


Very goodā€¦and doable for you. Is that for all 7 or 8 years?


This is only BS cost for a year. NSU is costly for DO.

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Soā€¦you have affordable option for the undergrad portion? For all four years?

Almost all medical schools are costly, and especially private ones. Your instate public medical school (should your student be accepted when the time comes) would be your best option cost wiseā€¦probably.


We are going to have more problems in some schools since they do not take DDā€™s DE classes.
DD applied to University of Cincinnati just for fun. She did not get selected for BS/MD interview - that was expected. What surprised us that she did not get into Med Science major. They took her into neuroscience. They also sent email that they will not take many of her DE classes. This is very unusual for public school.
BTW DD got accepted to UMD as was expected.


Is the NSU scholarship for one year? Or is it for all 4 years of undergrad? I agree that the DO portion is costly, but that is to be expected.


Look into the conditions attached to the BS/DO deal at Nova.

I personally would pick Rhodes over Nova unless the BS/DO program is absolutely guarantee. A student with a 3.9 unweighted GPA and a relatively rigorous HS curriculum may feel very underwhelmed by her peers and class rigour outside of the premed courses.
Only you and her would know whether thatā€™s an acceptable trade off (assuming the constraints attached to the BS/DO deal are ok).


We know that, however, MD has only one in-state option that is very competitive. There are also no direct paths or DO programs in MD.

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Then your daughter has a decision to makeā€¦

But I would definitely read the criteria again and again about that DO continuation. For exampleā€¦if it turns out she hates it thereā€¦can she easily apply out?

Applying out leads to its own complications since there is little merit at most schools for transfers and merit aid is important to this family.

This OP and her D seem to be on top of those details, but it is definitely a point to consider and bring up for others reading this long, long thread. :grinning: :grinning: But the mental and social happiness of a student should be a consideration.


I have a lot of reservations about NSU (Nova). We are waiting for the results at another program.
I am extremely concerned about the graduation rate at NSU, a big number of students in BS/DO not passing the required 502 MCAT and the quality of this DO program by itself. Unfortunately, I do not know anybody firsthand who graduated from this program. I will make a separate post about NOVA NSU, but I doubt that I will get many answers. On the other hand, it is awesome to have a guaranteed spot (if conditions are met) for DO in todayā€™s very competitive world without GAP year with not many strings attached.


I donā€™t think the merit award applies to the medical school part. Iā€™m asking about applying out for the medical school part.


Oh. My bad. I misunderstood that distinction.

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Frankly there are no issues there with peers. Kids at Shark preview were great. All had very high GPAs. I am much more concerned about programs (see above.)


@WayOutWestMom what do you know about the BS/DO program at Nova and anything about the program??

I know only public info from website (plus their passing rate, residency match etc.), observations on campus and info online (med forums, savvy pre-med etc.) I understand that some people may have a negative experience and they have tendency to complain. But I feel there are too many red flagsā€¦

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@DadOfJerseyGirl what do you know about Nova BS/MD program?

I have a couple of friends whose kids are enrolled in NSUā€™s BS/DO program. If there are specific questions Iā€™m happy to get answers from them.

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