Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

She is not going to retake Chem1 3rd time, that would be ridiculous… She had AP in 10th grade and taking it in CC again now. She is literally sleeping on lectures…

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She won’t retake the same course- she’ll take the next course in the sequence, and sleeping through will most definitely NOT be an option!


I am not sure how medical schools (most likely DO) will look at papers if she had Chem1 in another college, and it is not necessary in her major. With Chem 2, organic for a year and Biochem in 4 year college everyone should be happy. I am not sure about premed advising. I need to check with them anyway…

Gettysburg is a pretty expensive school. Their tuition also went up.
COA for us is 21K, even with Eisenhower. Not bad.
Should we take H and WS out of the equation? We have never visited there… I am so lost in this process…

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Your daughter should be checking. Not mom. She needs skin in the game.

Schools like Gettysburg discount to many. They have to based on the sticker.


She will but I need to figure out should we even visit H&WS given that she has Gettysburg around the corner, Furman and Rhodes. H&WS is 8 hours drive…DD would love to visit all schools (she loves to travel), but I need to drive anyway…

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Perhaps your D can set up a call with the Hillel advisor at H&WS to check out Jewish life before you plan a visit? If you get a lot of vague sounding “Of course we have holiday programming” with nothing specific to mention, that’d be a good reason not to bother with a visit.


Forgetting visit time - is distance an issue for your daughter? Because then yeah a Hobart would be an issue. At least Nova or Rhodes can be flown to. Hobart too can of course - but it’s a bit more difficult.

I mean, you still have plenty of time but at some point you’ll have to start looking at things of import - if travel to home is an issue - then choosing schools within an easy flight or drive might make the first cut, etc.

Is weather an issue? The weather in upstate, central NY is a whole lot of cold vs. say Nova…or to a lesser extent Furman or Rhodes, etc.

Things like that.


Question. Would you consider Rhodes at the top over other schools that DD has on the list if she will lose 30 college credits and has to retake Calc, Psychology, Sociology, Physics 1, Chem 1 and Bio1 plus English (DD also has Music and Nutrition but those are not that big deal)? This is one full year of college. Given that DD has an extensive list of credits, I am not sure she is ready to dump all of them and 2 years of hard work. I just learned from my close friend that Rhodes was on her DD top list last year. The girl also had big scholarship from Rhodes. However, Rhodes refused to tell will they transfer credit or not from the same CC even after they provided transcripts, syllabuses for all classes etc. Rhodes wanted girl to enroll first, and then decide what to take or not to take. As a result, the girl enrolled at another place where she received all credits. I will reach Rhodes about that, but if the situation will be the same for us, it will be very difficult to commit even if DD will love Rhodes. Rhodes does not have open database like GaTech or Juniata where you can see what they take or took in the past.

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I’m sure @WayOutWestMom can give you the specifics of your daughters transfer credits


Where did she take these courses? If Chem, physics and bio were not taken at a four year college, many medical schools will expect her to take a higher level of these courses at a four year college.

Are you hoping she can graduate a year early?

I believe I am correct…but @WayOutWestMom can clarify.


Most medical schools (at least the one DD will consider - I doubt that she will go for Harvard or Yale) will take As from CC with more advanced Psychology, Biol, Chem and Physics without any problems. Nobody cares about Sociology. She would take Statistics in college. In addition, all DO programs work with CC. UMD(including medical school) has no problems and DD has classes full of nurses who are studying to be doctors with her in CC. I also believe most public MD programs are ok with some CC credits. Please do not make this to be a conversation about taking or not taking classes by Med schools. Assume that med schools DD will apply will take them.

Yes… but she will still need to need to take the higher level courses. So really…it doesn’t matter whether Rhodes “takes them” or not.

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Even if they won’t give credit they will very likely use those classes to let her place out of the similar level courses and go straight to the upper level courses. So she will still need to stay four years but won’t have to repeat those classes.


Nope. It matters. She will not take extra Bio, Chem, or Psychology. She will take extra Psychology. However, she will take only the sequence required for med school not above and beyond. Her focus will be Psych and Neuroscience, not Bio or Chem.

It depends. She may go for four years but with a lighter load. Alternatively, she can graduate in 3 years in a school like Juniata and move to GAP year, for example.

There are medical schools which will not accept her community college courses. And I’m not just talking about Yale and Harvard. They will expect her to take a higher level course at her four year college…NOT a repeat of what she has already taken.


Let’s say those schools are removed from the list for simplicity. Please assume that CC credits are taken.

I’m confused. In your earlier post, you said most medical schools will take As from CC with more advanced Psychology, Bio, Chem and Physics. So doesn’t that mean that she will need to take more advanced Psychology, Bio, Chem and Physics???

Deleted based on future posts.