Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

It’s retaking those required courses for med school applicants that is an issue.


Please forgive me for asking.

Does the OP want a college that will give credit for the CC courses, AND include these courses in the GPA? This is what she means when she talks about gpa?

The student should really go to NOVA. Problem solved. Any other program will likely be unfair, too hard, too demanding, too costly, etc.


Many colleges do not include in the GPA courses that were taken at any other college. So…this is something that needs to be checked if it’s an expectation. Even if you get “credit”, your grades in those courses don’t get computed into GPA at many places.


That’s what I thought. My daughter took a summer class at another school. She received credit but the grade was not counted.

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It seems to me that if this student is really cut out for medical school she will do well regardless of whether the CC classes count toward her gpa.

If there is any doubt (and it sounds like there is) then she should go to Nova.


Sorry if this was already asked. Did the CC classes have lab?


I’m no expert on med school apps. I’m learning along and along as my D is premed. But I did have occasion to look up the requirements of a few med schools recently for a CC topic. Of the three I looked up, two specifically said all science prerequisites must be taken in person at a 4-year accredited college or uni (with labs). The other did not mention community college classes at all so that question would need to be asked, but perhaps they will accept a limited number. None of the three I looked up would accept online science classes.

I believe the OP mentioned somewhere that they had researched some MD and DO schools and would only apply to those that accept community college courses. Most likely those will be DO, which is fine. Once this process is over for the OP I hope she will give a recap of their findings as there seems to be a lot of conflicting information.


If I recall my son started with six credits of A at Bama from his DE English. It’s not in his institutional GPA but his overall. I just verified both.

My daughter at Charleston did not get this GPA credit.

It varies by college. But a lot of colleges do not include the grades from any other school when computing their GPA. Makes sense.


Yeah D20’s school doesn’t count the grades of any of the courses she’s taken over the summer (at top 10 4-year college) or on her study abroad.

They accepted the actual credits (after getting pre-approval from home school before starting the classes), but the grades don’t get added to her home school’s GPA at all.


The only time I’ve heard of grades from classes taken at another college counting in a student’s GPA is when both schools are part of the same consortium.

None of the colleges in the US (or in the world) will include in their GPA classes from another institution. They will give you a credit and will not assign any grade. It will be listed as a transfer credit. You will provide a transcript from the original institution where the credit was taken with original grade.

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Yes. And all courses were taken in person.

For the record. Many DO schools work specifically with community colleges as initial feeders. In addition, many public medical schools are fine with some credits from community colleges. DD is taking classes at CC that are filled by current nurses that study to be doctors. They all went through a lot of advising and they are all smart and know what they are doing. They all go through CC to save money! In the past there were policies to avoid or restrict CC credits, but many schools changed their policies recently. Nowadays they want low-income people in medical schools too and they are forced to take CC credits to make education more affordable for everyone and avoid double standards (they cannot take CC credits for student A and not to take them for student B.) BTW, UMD perfectly takes AP credits for math and science and pre-med committee has no problem with them. I personally know a student who just graduated last year UMD medical school and before UMD College Park who did not retake any classes with AP credits, and did not have to take “extra” higher-level classes. He also did not take GAP year, but he worked as a paramedic on weekends for many years while in college.

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This is for people who are skeptical.

Yes, but then why are you so concerned with receiving the actual credit? Those courses are on her transcript regardless, and she will need to take higher level classes.

It seems to me that you are focusing on something that is of minimal importance here.


Neither of these things are issues with her Nova acceptance. If this is the acid test…just choose Nova.


I just looked at 2 public medical schools in my state. I only looked at 2. Both of these schools state that they accept AP etc as long as they are listed on the transcript. BUT…they also say that you MUST also take higher level science classes if you are receiving those credits.

I also looked at UMD. There are 5 required prerequisites, and 6 prerequisites that are not required, but are strongly recommended (this means you should take them). It says they will accept CC credits, but the “bulk” of classes needs to come from a 4 year university. The word “bulk” is not defined.

This student needs to do her research on specific medical schools. I actually think she should attend Nova because it is the easiest path.

I know this parent has doubts about the BS portion at Nova, it’s too easy and might not prepare you for the MCAT etc. Meanwhile there are many students who do well and continue on. Again, is there any reason to believe that this student will not do well?

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Not accurate–it absolutely varies by college. I have worked with students in the past who transferred in A- grades to universities that didn’t even award A- grades in their grading scale and the A- transferred class was printed on their transcript and factored into the GPA using the transfer school’s scale and bringing their GPA at their new school down below a 4.0. Some schools won’t factor in transfer work to a student’s institutional GPA but will still calculate an overall GPA that includes transfer work, with both GPAs printed on the transcript (schools who do this typically choose to look at the overall GPA for admission requirements to selective majors and programs). You will also often see transfer grades printed on the new school transcript with a T in front (TA, TB, etc.).

And Bama did this with my sons dual enrollment.

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