SMED Chances?

<p>hey guys what are my chances at BU’s 7 year med program? its my top choice.</p>

GPA: 3.85 UW @ top magnet school (no class rank)
Junior APs: US History (5), Chem (5), BC Calc (5)
Senior APs: Bio, Stats, Lang, Gov</p>

<p>Test Scores:
SAT I Math: 740, 730, 690
SAT I Reading: 670, 670, 730
SAT I Writing: 760, 800, 770
SAT II Math 2: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 760</p>

Newspaper – Writer and Business Manager (9,10)
NAACP Club – Founder/Treasurer (11,12)
Indian Culture Club – Secretary (10,11,12)
FBLA – Vice President (10,11,12)</p>

<p>Medical ECs:
Certified Emergency Medical Technician
100 hours of hospital volunteering
50 hours of nursing home volunteering
50 hours of physician shadowing (pulmonologist and anesthesiologist)
200 hours of antimicrobial peptide research</p>

<p>It’s probably going to depend on whether or not you can write a stellar essay. Your GPA is just a little bit on the low side and your SAT scores are a little bit on the low side as well. BUT, there are people in the program with those stats, they just usually have unusually strong ECs.
Just make those medical ECs sound really impressive wherever you write about them. And include all your other ECs (just participant in any clubs, school teams, sports outside of school, whatever) on your app if you can.
I think you can probably cinch an interview, but you’ll have to work hard to get in.
Good luck!</p>

<p>yea im def gonna try to write a killer essay. </p>

<p>johnstoops u mentioned that my SAT is a little low, but r u talking about just my M + CR score? cuz according to this article ([KAPLAN</a> EXCLUSIVE: New SAT Scoring Policies from 374 Top Schools](<a href=“]KAPLAN”> BU is giving equal weight to the writing section this year. in other words, is my 2270 (superscored of course) out of 2400 still too low? </p>

<p>also assuming i get an interview (which is assuming a lot) is interview performance all that matters after that point? or does BU still consider ur application as a whole even after the interview?</p>

<p>i don’t know how the seven year program works, but they accept about 20 ppl per year and I have a few friends who are/were in it. im pretty sure that once you get an interview, grades no longer matter at that point (except maybe your second semester high school grades to see that you kept up the effort) and its just about your interview. also, just so you know, even if you don’t get into the 7 year program, there’s an 8 year program (MMEDIC) that you apply to as a sophomore. though it is still in 8 years, you get accepted to BUSM the summer before your junior year and take med classes in your jr and sr years so that you’re ahead of everyone else when you start at the med school. and that program is essentially about easing the transition into BU med instead of hurrying the process which is the seven year med. good luck with the program! i hope you get it!</p>

<p>Even at a 2270, your score isn’t too low, but it isn’t high either. There are tons of kids with mid-2300s in this program, but I do know of people in mid to high 2200s as well, so you definitely can get in. Keep in mind that 90% of the kids in the program have turned down an Ivy or two and chose to come here instead.
They actually accept about 40-50 (usually around 50) people and about 20-25 end up accepting the offer.
Also, although the 7 year program does hurry the process, it gives you a LOT of freedom. You have to major in medical sciences, but you can easily slip in another major or maybe even 2 minors if you want too while still keeping it 7 years total. But yeah I have friends who are shooting for MMEDIC here which is really great too.</p>

<p>You might wanna check the pre-med forum and see what they think.</p>