Smith 2023

a quick search reveals the follows statistics from 2017-18:
Smith College
people waitlisted: 931

accepting waitlist offer:471

admitted from waitlist: 19
hope that helps! i wanted to give the link but it’s not allowed lmao

accepted! I’m surprised financial aid was included in the offer of admission. still does not meet my EFC unfortunately

Accepted! :smiley:

My D was accepted! Hasn’t found the financial aid info yet.

hey! i was accepted in a likely letter but my financial aid portal is saying “this username is invalid or is not eligible to use this feature.” is anyone else seeing this/having this issue? the username is definitely valid, i verified it so i’m thinking it must be an eligibility issue?

i’m also waitlisted !


@TheWindAndRain that happened to me! i called and they reset my password

D19 also accepted. Congrats to all and good luck to all!

Daughter accepted!

Btw everyone, there’s a facebook group for class of 2023! It’s welcome to everyone considering Smith!

Those of you on the waitlist:

Last year, Smith took 68 students (15%) off the waitlist of 458. One of them was my D’s roommate, so it does happen!

@averageavocado When you say your financial aid award “didn’t meet your EFC” I assume you are talking about the EFC shown on your FAFSA. As people have posted many times in the past, the “federal” methodology used on the FAFSA differs from the “institutional” methodology used by Smith and many colleges. Did you run the NPC on Smith’s website? It usually is pretty accurate. Smith meets your full demonstrated need but, alas, this won’t necessarily equate to what you believe you are able to pay.

@AGR4444 , @pacificnwgal , @indyaharrison , @allisfreezing . I am an international student. Can you please share your profile? I am really interested in Smith College. Please it’ll mean a lot if you share your profile

hey @swimmermom2 can you please please share your daughter’s profile. It will be really helpful for others as well as me