Smith Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Applying to Smith in 2022? The deadline is today! - January 7th. Decisions are expected by April 1st. Last year, decisions were released on March 26th.

Connect with other applicants and share stats, news or admissions updates below.


Eagerly awaiting decision!


Any ideas as to when decisions will be released?

I believe that last year was march 26 (Friday), so this year probably march 25 (Friday).

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They just emailed saying decisions will be March 25 between 4 and 6pm est


smith love us pick us


Good luck to everyone tmrw! Totally manifesting that I’m gonna get into smith!


My anxiety is killing me ahahah
I don’t know if anyone feels the same, but part of me is like “love the college that loves you back” and I’m calm that if I don’t get in it wasn’t meant to be; the other part is like “I’m probably gonna cry today if I don’t get in as I can’t take my anxiety anymore” :))
When you get to the level where you can literally imagine your daily life in a place (in my case I have checked like flight prices, the Theatres in the city, etc), you know that if you don’t get in it will hurt even more because of everything you have dreamed it will be crushed.
Oh well just wanted to see if there was anyone out there feeling like me
Anyway, I’ll be sending positive vibes from Portugal to everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Your anxiety is felt my many! And yes, once all the dust settles, choosing between those schools that also choose you will be your challenge. The initial disappointment will fall away (gradually). I wish you lots of luck today with Smith (my DD is also awaiting a Smith decision). And I envy your location in Portugal! What a beautiful and welcoming place!

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My DD22 applied. Anxiously waiting. Portal seemed to have changed. The financial page is no longer available. Not sure if you are seeing the same thing.

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Decisions are to be posted between 4-6 pm EST today.

Accepted! Looks like my financial aid is pretty dismal though


Congrats to all! Parents of these prospective Smithies, you can join our private FB group, Smith College Parents and Families. No students in this one. Be sure to join the closed group! Also be sure to answer the “vetting” questions honestly. Thanks!

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DD waitlisted.

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i got in :slight_smile:


Waitlisted…. But a nice waitlist letter :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ll take it!

D22 is in! Very exciting, one of her favorites since we toured last summer.


D22 got in!! So thrilled for her!

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