So I DO want to live in Southern California... but over what

<p>But would have a hard time turning down Duke and Penn for USC when it costs exactly the same
My parents seem very intrigued by the Global Leadership thing, which when I looked into it some DOES seem very worthwhile
I want to go into Business... But don't think I want to go back and get an MBA or anything
I was accepted to Marshall at USC (college, NOT wharton at Penn) </p>

<p>And... I don't know
Had USC thrown me ANY money whatsoever.... even Dean's and I would probably jump all over it... But I dont know</p>

<p>USC had been a school I wanted to go to for a long time, and it really really sucked when I didnt get scholarship interview or anything. But I guess I'm willing to forgive them :),,, maaybe</p>

<p>You'll do fine at any of those. </p>

<p>But this is a USC board so I'm biased but...
If you really want to go into business and you were not accepted at Wharton, go to USC. Marshall has been good to my two sons. One has graduated and is in a great job in LA. The other is a freshman and did GLP so he got to know James Ellis, Marshall Dean. (I'm still bitter they didn't throw money to my sons also, but hopefully, I'll get over it after we make our last payment.)</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>