<p>Ah, class wars. Always an entertaining thread.</p>
<p>Sadly, “poor” people do not understand “rich” people, and vice versa. </p>
<p>A poor person sees a number like $250K, and its “OH MY GAWWD that’s so much money I would be on easy street if I had half of that, how can you even whine about unfair financial aid you’re so entitled” without recognizing that 1) half of it goes to taxes- half! poor people pay virtually nothing in taxes; 2) virtually everyone, once they can afford it, will move to nicer/safer housing with better/safer schools, as is entirely appropriate. It’s not free though, so you can no longer live on $20K/year and bank the rest; 3) since the rich person will be full pay, the schools expect half of what is left of your paycheck. How many people can live on 25% of their income? It’s that or have the school confiscate your house and savings. Or both. </p>
<p>A rich person goes to buy a product called “college” and discovers it’s the only product in America where what you pay for it is not based on some sort of free market principle, it is based on what the legally-of-age’s consumer’s parents can afford. How is that rational? So the rich kid realizes that one parent’s entire income (or more) will be taken up paying for school, while the poor person gets the “free ride”. Of course the rich person (especially the rich person’s kid) has no idea what sort of barriers and obstacles must be overcome to even survive on $20K/year, let alone make it to college. They assume that if their parents could bootstrap themselves up, the poor person’s parents must not work that hard or be that smart. After all, they are proof of the American dream.</p>
<p>So the poor and rich hurl insults at each other. You see ludicrous statements like ‘I would MUCH rather live on ~20k a year, like I do, and be happy and not put others down than be like you who calls people who makes less than his family lazy and stupid.’ which really don’t contribute anything but just fan the flames…</p>
<p>To the OP: hopefully you are coming around to the discovery that paying full price for undergraduate school is for suckers. Your money is being used to subsidize others, and you are paying for a product whose pricing is not based on anything rational, but is arbitrary and likely based on collusion between the schools. Get past the name, and go to a school that doesn’t bankrupt you or jeopardize your parents’ assets and retirement.</p>
<p>Kids are Harvard and Stanford are getting just as drunk on the weekends as the kids at Penn State… save your money for grad school, which these days is more important to have a “name” school on your diploma than undergrad.</p>
<p>Your only other option is to game the system: once you make it into HYPS, have your mom quit her job (she can work pro bono for a few years to stay in the game and you would no longer need the 2nd house), have your dad take a pay cut to $180K, now you will put $30K/year+ of FA back in your pocket, which is about what your mom is clearing after taxes anyway and paying to the school. Everybody wins!</p>