<p>The idea that someone who was admitted to an MBA program who never entered or completed the program somehow can benefit from that admission letter is ludicrous. At the very least, it’s not a plan or tactic that can be recommended to most people. </p>
<p>Having said that, I know that sometimes HR departments ask for job applicants’ test scores (SAT, LSAT, GMAT) as a sign of intelligence (the scores correlate highly with IQ test scores). But they are more likely to question why you didn’t stick to your plan to enter the MBA program, and so you may not get any net advantage from your “acceptance.”</p>
<p>As for the larger question whether an MBA is “worth it,” there is some skill acquisition in an MBA program (accounting, finance, statistical analysis, etc.), but the amount depends on where you’re coming from, i.e., what kind of previous education and work experience you come in with. It also depends on which MBA programs you get into and what kind of job market you end up playing in (local vs. national vs. international).</p>
<p>I know of plenty of really smart, ambitious, hardworking, and lucky individuals who have gone damn far in their careers with just an undergraduate degree (e.g., Larry Page–cofounder of Google). And some who never got any college degree (e.g., Steve Jobs–cofounder of Apple). I’m not talking just about people who were great hucksters and snake-oil salesmen. Members of the executive committee of Price Waterhouse Coopers have reached that with just a BA degree (at least in the recent past).</p>
<p>But nowadays for the vast majority of people who want, say, a business/finance career, the opportunities are often structured by those along-the-way certificates (“certifications”) such as law degrees or MBAs. And as has been noted above, your willingness and ability to take two years of advanced training and, more generally, socialization to the language and norms of business or management, may say a lot about your ability and commitment to this career line, so a future employer will be more convinced that it should put resources and confidence in you.</p>
<p>As has also been pointed out on this thread, however, not all MBA degrees are of equal value in signaling your ability, especially on a national/international scale. Try to get into the most highly ranked MBA program you can, taking into account as well that they may have different strengths or associated programs (such as dual degree programs) that can help you to move in your intended career direction.</p>