<p>I need some help. I know, I've asked before, but it was with a wider range of colleges. I want a wide variety of opinions on the following schools. Michigan State, Loyola Maryland, and Fairfield University.</p>
<p>Which would you go to for history? Why? </p>
<p>More info: Interested in the Holocaust/later American History/ Western European. Would be going into the James Madison College at MSU, and regular history majors and Loyola and Fairfield.</p>
<p>Any help is appreciated.</p>
<p>Since you have very specific research interests, you should be looking at the recent publications of the faculty members at these universities. What are their research interests? What books have they written? What articles have they published, and in which journals?</p>
<p>This will help you figure out which place has the faculty that is most likely to be useful for you.</p>
<p>Thank you, I appreciate your help.</p>
<p>Any one else have any opinions?</p>
<p>just some general information on Fairfield U - definitely a lot different from michigan state based on size. a gorgeous campus, slightly preppy students, and nice location next to downtown fairfield, plus it’s very close to the beach.</p>
<p>yeah, i know that. i loved fairfield when i visited it but i also loved MSU, i loved msu more on the courses and the overall feel, but i think i got the same comfort feel at both.</p>