<p>and I absolutely cannot stand the guy. I can now see why people hate Fox news. </p>
<p>we’ll do it live!</p>
<p>he lives in town and seems pretty friendly. my ex lives a couple houses down from him and says he’s always very nice and friendly, doesn’t come across as arrogant in person.</p>
<p>i’m not a big fan of his show…it’s kind of embarassing watching him interview someone because he cuts them off so much.</p>
<p>That was the first video I watched, and I just had to know more…</p>
<p>bill is god and dont u think otherwise</p>
<p>I think he’s ridiculous.</p>
<p>But he may just be that way on TV to get a reaction out of people.</p>
<p>I mean, c’mon, EVERYONE knows who he is. And he gets paid lots of money for it, too.</p>
<p>I hate this guy. Bill O reilly is such a …</p>
<p>Bill O’Reilly and Glen Beck tear down the otherwise glorious news channel that is Fox. Go Shepard Smith! Go Campaign Carl! Go Major Garret! Go Brit Hume! My heroes!</p>
<p>Brit Hume and Shep are the ONLY people I can stand on Fox</p>
<p>I don’t mind Glenn Beck at all really.</p>
<p>You must be a radical conservative with no regard for others’ opinions then.</p>
<p>Well no but whatever.</p>
<p>I love O’Reilly and Fox News It’s better than the typical liberal crap from nearly every other news station.</p>
<p>^so you’re exchanging liberal crap for conservative crap</p>
<p>Every cable news station is a joke, they’re all ridiculously biased. If you can’t figure out what is facts and what is opinion, you really have no business watching the news in the first place. </p>
<p>Shep Smith is the only anchor I can watch on Fox without cringing every two minutes. Although O’Reilly is always good for a laugh or two when I’m bored.</p>