So lost about school major

<p>I am so lost on what I should do. I started off going to college in a 3+2 Physics/Mechanical Engineering program where I would earn a BS in both. Well my grades haven't been good and I was not accepted into the transfer school to finish up Engineering. I am applying other places but I just don't think I am going to get in anywhere. Engineering is very competitive and I just never made the grades and my GPA is low. I don't know what I should do now</p>

<p>I am at the last semester of my third year and after this I'll have my physics requirements done. I will still have a year worth of credits I need to complete the min credit hours for a degree but I don't know what I should do. I was thinking maybe switching to Computer science and taking an extra semester or two then trying to get into information technology. Also thought about getting associates in Engineering Technology since I probably already have a lot of it done. Also thought about just adding Math and going with an Applied Math B.S. No matter which way I go I will have physics too since that's pretty much done.</p>

<p>What kind of Jobs can I go into though. Right now the option I favor the most is the dual major in Math and Physics. I could have that done and finish at the end of next year. I am going to a private university so tuition is pretty high. The only thing is I need to have a career goal and I just cant find one. Any description is so generic. My girlfriend is worried I wont be able to get a good job with Physics and Math BS but I hear Math is a pretty marketable degree. I would like to get my BS and get into the work field because I've never been good at school and I really just want to be working instead of school. Maybe eventually going for masters if needed. Any advice on any of this? This all has me so stressed out. I hear with Math and Physics you can go into Programming, Financial stuff, Engineering type stuff. But I don't know how much of that is actually true. Will I be able to find work?</p>

<p>I am now doing 3+2 Physics and Mechanical Eng. and I have been able to do it because my GPA is pretty high. The other school will not accept me if I dont have high GPA. </p>

<p>So, for your case, since it seems that you are tired of school then try finding job in the bank (investment banking, corp. banking as analyst, etc). This you can do if you have taken higher math. </p>

<p>Or, you can browse the Physics Society and Math Society websites to find any jobs which may suit your major/minor, etc. Good luck.</p>