<p>I'm planning on applying to some top tier colleges (duke, penn, northwestern, emory, columbia, etc.)</p>
<p>and i didnt do so hot on the subject tests.</p>
<p>710 US history
720 Bio E
780 Math</p>
<p>will these scores be sufficient or not even close? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...</p>
<p>oh and ive taken sat I only once (1430/2200)</p>
<p>will take in oct again for sat I
but idk if i should retake a few of the subject tests or not?</p>
<p>I’ve never heard of 2200, I think you mean 2400.</p>
<p>If thats the case (out of 2400) you have no shot at those colleges.</p>
<p>I would not worry about your SAT II tests. Colleges only use them as like a tie-breaker to between students, to further narrow their students.</p>
<p>However you won’t even be in the position for them to consider with an SAT score like that.</p>
<p>Find some classes, use the blue book and study like crazy over the summer. WIth a good SAT score in the fall you should be fine.</p>
<p>mr california, I believe that guitarpleyar means that he got a 1430 (CR+M) and a 2200 (CR+M+V). Those are pretty good scores by most standards.</p>
<p>haha thanks apple1984 for clearing things up</p>
<p>Ohh in that case…that’s a hard shot to call…really depends on EC and sports/volunteer…etc…</p>
<p>Guitarplayer, </p>
<pre><code> In my opinion, your scores are adequate for the top schools. UP your SAT I score though, and study… you only have 1 or 2 more shots at this.
<p>Really, I’d focus on preparing to present yourself as a stellar, unique person. (i.e. in other words… The Essay. :o!!)</p>
June 25, 2009, 5:27pm
June 25, 2009, 5:29pm
<p>800!!! I really got it. Thanks for informing me that the scores are up.</p>
June 25, 2009, 5:36pm
<p>i think it all comes down to rec’s and essays</p>
<p>CC’er? c’mon man…have a sense to not post your grade, esp when it’s a 800, on a thread where im tryin to ask if mine is suffice dude…</p>