So so confused. Common App question.

<p>OK. So for the common app question about an ec, personal activity, or work experience, I really don't know what to write about.</p>

<p>My choices:
Youth Commissioner on the Grants Advisory Commission of Roseville - (I am the first and only youth commissioner on any commission or board in the city) - I learned a lot about government and I actaully made a difference in people's lives</p>

<p>Academic Decathlon - I've be dedicated and learned so much...</p>

<p>Mock Trial - dedication, I love debate</p>

<p>Astronomy/Physics Camp - I went to over the summer. Learned so much. Met absolutaly amazing people. Increased my motivations exponentially. </p>

<p>Work - I work in the box office at a movie theatre. I have many so many different kinds of people. I had never met a mentally retarded person before I worked there. Now I'm friends with many. And since I am stuck in a box all day with a person, I really get to know them, even if they are people that I would generally not normally talk to. Clearly, this is my favorite. The problem is that I have done SO many extra curriculars, and its seems bad not to talk about any of them and just talk about some movie theatre job that anybody could have?</p>

<p>And not that it makes a difference, but my other essay is a pretty well-written essay about my first experience looking through a telescope and realizing that I want to do astronomical research.</p>


And another essay for a supplement, asks me what fictional character I would want as a roommate...honestly...I would want the dad in the cartoon "The Wild Thornberries" just because he is such a positive person and whenever anything goes wrong. he always sees the silver lining. But I know how immature that choice of character is. Should I find a very serious character?</p>

<p>Also, not that it matters. I've got 2260 SATs and rank 1 in my class. I am looking at colleges like UChicago, Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, Northwestern.</p>

<p>How serious and prestigous should my essays sound?</p>

<p>You wouldn't want to talk about the astronomy camp because you've covered your interest in your other essay. Just from your post, it sounds like the work experience meant a lot to you. "Clearly, this is my favorite." Sounds like a winner! Sure, a lot of kids have theater jobs, but you have gained something special from it. That is not typical of most kids.</p>

<p>You don't have to sound pompus or too serious in your essays. Especially if that's not your personality. Let the real you show through. If you have a lighthearted temperment, let it show. There's nothing wrong with a cartoon character as a fictional character as long as you tie it into reality by showing what quaiities you appreciate. I think a light touch is actually better than an overly serious tone. It sounds like you have a healthy perspective and don't take yourself too seriously. I think colleges will see this as a positive.</p>

<p>Don't stress, be yourself, and be confident. You obviously have a lot to offer and have accomplished much, so go with your natural style.</p>