So this is what Alabam is all about

<p>I wanted to share this. Our DD who is a junior entered Alabama wanting to be a surgeon. She had shattered her arm in a horrific car accident her junior year of high school and watched as the ortho put humpty dumpty back together again. She also knew that she wanted to be a very strong part of the vibrant Greek community. She went through formal recruitment and pledged ADPi. She had been warned that her fall schedule was very rigorous but being the baby and a strong willed child she insisted that she could handle it. WRONG!!! She was dying before she knew she was dying and at the end of the semester she knew she didn’t want to be a surgeon but wanted to major in nutrition.<br>
First you should know (as many parents do who have kids who take AP’s and DE’s) that she came into UA with a lot of credits. As we began the Nutrition path it became evident that she would be able to apply for the Nutrition Graduate level Program…a specialized Masters in a Nutrition field this Spring AND she would be able to apply for the Coordinated Program which would allow her to graduate in May '14 with a BS in Nutrition as well as her registered dietician and will receive her Masters the following December. Well all of the planets have aligned and we found out earlier this week she was accepted into the Graduate Program (one of 5) she will receive her Masters as a Pediatric Nutrition Oncology Clinician and has secured a summer internship at Vanderbilt’s Children’s Hospital as well as receiving word today that she was one of 15 (over 40 applied) to begin the Coordinated Program…so am 1. BRAGGING and 2. This is why we go to Alabama folks…Molls Mission trip in the Spring of "13 to the Dominican Republic, her 5k that raised over $11,000 for UA Acts of Kindness after the April 27th Tornado, her EVP of Property and hands on building of the new ADPi House (10.4 million dollars) are all valuable work experiences and these 2 accomplishments just add to it…this WHY we CHOOSE ALABAMA ROLL TIDE!!! (oh and won’t even mention the sweet southern boy who is hold a beautiful engagement ring until next fall, when he will as our sweet daughter to become a southern bride :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Congrats, that is absolutely fantastic. You must be so proud of her. It’s great to hear that you can have a change of plans & make it work so well. That sounds like a tremendous program & opportunity.</p>

<p>We are waiting for the planets to get in the same galaxy here, but they are moving in the same direction.</p>

<p>Congratulations! You deserve to brag about her! She sounds amazing and very motivated. My niece is RD and it is a tough and competitive program. So happy for her and you! :)</p>

<p>Molls’ story brought tears to my eyes…it is easy to fixate on that “one path” and concede defeat to any obstacle that blocks it, but it is hard to see the “right path” and have the gumption to change direction and pursue it…change is scary. Yes, I see the 'BAMA spirit in this success story,but I also see a young woman with determination, and a supportive, loving family, friends, Sisters, and “special friends” who gave her the grounding she needed to charge ahead. Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Thank you all for your kind words…yes we are very proud and celebrating here in Kansas City as well in NYC, Washington DC, NYC, Seattle and Chicago. It is fitting that tonight is her Exec celebration dinner…she will be celebrating an exciting milestone with her sisters as well as celebrating the great accomplishment of ADPi!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your D! And to her proud parents and family.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing your exciting news ahpimommy! You have every right to brag! Reading this on the eve of my HS junior DD’s second attempt at the ACT. Looking for that 32 tomorrow! She is sold on Bama and we would love for the stars to align for us with that free tuition!</p>

<p>that is great news!!! hopefully we all end up with success stories like that!</p>

<p>Marvelous news! Congrats and Roll Tide!</p>


<p>How proud you must be of your daughter!! Keep bragging, we love to hear the good news…</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter and a big thank you to you and the rest of your family for supporting and helping her out along the way. Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Wonderful! Congratulations!</p>

<p>Congratulations! What a wonderful story. As moms we have to brag about our kids once in awhile! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to Molls and your family! </p>


<p>Sometimes there is so much good in life that you are fair bursting to share it, and simply must do so. Expressive stories like this are why I love this forum. Thanks for sharing such a personal journey with your extended UA “family”. It IS what 'bama is all about! Congrats & Roll Tide!</p>

<p>You should be proud! You set her down this road. Congratulations.</p>

<p>Again…thanks so very much for all the well wishes and congrats. She’s our baby…all 4 kids are really great ones…we are so very proud. I am so glad she chose Alabama (until that fateful day when she discovered a pic of the ceiling of Bruno library she was Iowa bound). It is the perfect fit!</p>

<p>That’s awesome! It’s heartwarming to hear all of the wonderful stories about students have thrived at UA.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter! Sounds like lots of excitement and good things happening in her life.</p>

<p>A well-deserved shout-out to your daughter and family! Congratulations.</p>