So what are YOU doing in your APs classes now?

<p>Nothing, oh wait, I'm done with school!!!!! </p>

<p>But what we did pretty much was King Lear final projects in English, and then after that we watched movies in that class and in USH.</p>

<p>I only had one final this year and that was Chemistry Honors, which was also the last final of my life! Senior Exemption baby!</p>

<p>We still get "work", but school has become more of a playground...</p>

<p>AP Physics: GREAT ADVENTURE!!!! Watching videos & movies, a project here and there (I'm doing something with Power Point!), very laid-back since almost everyone in the class is a senior. Also AP Physics/AP Chem hack feud...</p>

<p>AP USH: Watching lots of movies, a little Regents review, but have been getting quite a few take-home research papers. (One on Presidents & another on court cases...)</p>

<p>AP Spanish: Watched "La Historia Oficial" (very sad but well-done) and have to read a story for a final sometime soon...</p>

<p>AP English: Reading some fiction ("Old Man and the Sea", "Ethan Frome".. can bask in the glory that I read these books in my other school years ago! :).), Also College Essay prep & a big class project next week when the teacher goes on a trip to Washington D.C.</p>

<p>AP Calc BC: A mixture of playing "Mario Kart" & learning calculus beyond BC. Had a big final last week. </p>

<p>AP Bio: A final project.. in a 6 person group working on a board game (questions like Trivial Pursuit... board like Candy Land :p.)</p>

<p>That's the "work".</p>

<p>Biology: Party
Calculus: Test on presentations
Gov't: BAGEL party</p>

<p>yay...three days of classes left, then senior field trip, then three days of finals :( and finally graduation!!!</p>