<p>English language: 3 if I'm lucky</p>
<p>Spanish Language: 4 or a 5</p>
<p>U.S. History: 4 or a 5</p>
<p>Biology: 5 if I'm lucky, but most likely a 4</p>
<p>Knock on wood!</p>
<p>English language: 3 if I'm lucky</p>
<p>Spanish Language: 4 or a 5</p>
<p>U.S. History: 4 or a 5</p>
<p>Biology: 5 if I'm lucky, but most likely a 4</p>
<p>Knock on wood!</p>
<p>Language: 4
Statistics: 5
US History: 4
Calculus AB: 5
Biology: 5</p>
<p>Bahh.. Much worse than my friends this year.</p>
<p>Calculus AB: 5
Physics B: 3</p>
<p>Music Theory: hopefully at least a 3, if i get a 4 i will be OVERJOYED! but probably 3.</p>
<p>Biology: 4 or 5</p>
<p>English Language: 4, maybe 5
US History: 4 or 5. Sure hope I didn't do something stupid.</p>
<p>Literature: 5 (4 if I screwed up on the MC more than I think I did)
U.S.: somewhere on the border between a 4 and a 5...:-(
Bio: 5 (definitely)
Psych: haven't taken it yet</p>
lang 5
ush 5
physics 3 probably not it was so hard</p>
<p>Language 2 or 3 (English is my weakest subject)
Biology 3 or 4 (hoping for a 5, though)
Calc 4
Gov't- Haven't taken it yet</p>
<p>Yeah, I am not optimistic.</p>
<p>Calc AB: 5
AP Chem: 3 (gah!)</p>
<p>Calc BC: 5
Statistics: 5
Lang: 4 or 5
US History: 4
Physics C Mech: 3 or 4 :(</p>
<p>Eng Lang 4
Stats 3
Physics 2
US History 4</p>
<p>Calc AB - 3 :(
Lit - 5
Euro - 5
Bio - 4
Macro - ???</p>
<p>Spanish Language 4
Calculus AB 5
English Literature 3
Physics 2
Government 3/4</p>
<p>But the only credit my school gives is for Calc, so I don't care anymore.</p>
<p>and what school might that be, diggz?</p>
<p>CS AB = 4 poss 3 if I really messed up
Stats = 5
Calc BC = 4 but most likely a 5 AB sub = 5
Mechanics = 5
E&M = 4 could be 3</p>
Macro depends on how the next two days go. Currently a 3 and a 1/2.</p>
<p>Euro-1 or 2
I am such a loser I screwed up big time
I am never going to take another AP test.
I am an idoit</p>
<p>Lit - 2
USH - 5
Bio - 5
Mech - 1
E&M - 1 (good game)</p>
<p>Chem - 3
Psych - 3
Macro - 5
Micro - 5</p>
<p>Statistics - 4
Art 3D Studio - 2
Microeconomics - 5
Macroeconomics - 3 (atm... studying my ass off for this!)</p>
<p>Lit - 4?
Govt - 4/5?
Spanish - 3?
Calc AB - 5
Physics C Mech - 4? maybe 3 if i messed up MC</p>
<p>Comp Sci - 3/4
Calc BC - 4/5 (I really want that 5)
English Lit - 2/3 (It matters on my essays)
Physics C Mechanics - 3?
Physics C E & M - 1
Environ - yet to come... predicted w/o taking tests? 3 ish...</p>