<p>calc bc: 5
english lit: 4 (a 5 if i'm lucky, but i doubt it)
euro: 5
bio: 5
us govt: 5</p>
<p>and english was the only one i needed to get a 5 in, too. :(</p>
<p>calc bc: 5
english lit: 4 (a 5 if i'm lucky, but i doubt it)
euro: 5
bio: 5
us govt: 5</p>
<p>and english was the only one i needed to get a 5 in, too. :(</p>
<p>APUSH: 3
AP Lang: 3
AP Chem: 3 if I am lucky.</p>
<p>how do you calculate apush score...</p>
<p>what do you need to do to get a 3?</p>
<p>World History: 4/5
English Lit: 3
Env. Science: Pending</p>
<p>English Literature-boarderline 3-4. Hopefully I get a generous grader and mangage to pull off a four.</p>
<p>are there such things as generous graders? lol if there are - i've never heard of them</p>
<p>Calculus BC-5 (95% probability)
Statistics-5 (85% probability)
English Lang-4 or 5 (60% probability for a 5)
World History-4 or 5 (70% probability for a 5)
Physics B-5 (99.9% probability)
Chemistry-5 (99.9% probability)
Biology-5 (99.99% probability)
and I self-studied all of them :) [and I am international]</p>
Spanish Language-3
Environmental Science-4</p>
<p>English Literature - 5, ideally
U.S. History - 4
Psychology - 4
Macroeconomics - 2
Microeconomics - oh, god</p>
<p>English Lang & Lit: 5
U.S. History: 4-5
Psych: 5, definitely</p>
<p>Statistics: 5
US History: 4 or 5
Chemistry: 5</p>
<p>Eng Lang- 5
Calc AB-5
<p>us his-4
comp sci ab-5
physics B -5
psych -5</p>
<p>Micro- 4
Goverments- 5
USH- 4
Lit: 4</p>
<p>I'm a sophomore, so I don't have as many AP's</p>
<p>euro- 5 (90% sure)
comp sci - 4 (if i didn't do badly on the MC)</p>
<p>AP Government is absolutely ridiculous in its timing, am I the only one who things so?</p>
<p>EVERYONE was finished with the essays 30 minutes (!) before time was up, and i had AN HOUR left over, after everyone was panicking to finish the muliple choice! We do have a really great teacher and high passing rate, but geeesh, that's a huge error for CollegeBoard.</p>
<p>So, we played rock-paper-scissors with each other the whole time (40 people playing at the same time is quite fun)~no talking of course!</p>
<p>APUSH = Definately a 5
AP Lang/Comp = 4 or 5
AP Chem = 5 unless I blew something bad on the last FRQ, then still probably a 5, maybe a 4.</p>
<p>"So, we played rock-paper-scissors with each other the whole time (40 people playing at the same time is quite fun)~no talking of course!"</p>
<p>That's really disrespectful, I think.</p>
<p>Human geo - 3
Calc BC - 1
World history - 3
USH - 3
Euro history - 2
Bio - 3
Physics C mech - 1
Chem - 3</p>
<p>I know i'm a pessimist. Afraid to jinx, i'm superstitious</p>
<p>Eng Lang - 3/4
Calc AB - 2/3
APUSH- 2/3
Chem- 2/3</p>