So what are your predicted AP scores?

<p>US History: 4 or 5
Physics B: 4 or 5</p>

<p>I'm really not sure about all of this though...on both of my multiple choice sections, I skipped over 6-8 questions. I'm just hoping that what I did answer was mostly correct.</p>

<p>Chem- 3/4/5, most likely a low 4??
Gov- 3/4</p>

<p>How is that disrespectful at all?</p>

<p>Wow, I never thought about playing P-R-S. Good job.</p>

<p>Human Geo- 4 or 5 (essays)
World History- 4 or 5 (essays)
Psychology- 4 or 5 (probably 5 but this year's test much MUCH harder than 2004).</p>

<p>Literature - 5
Euro History - 3 or 4
Biology - 3...hopefully (really don't care)
French Lang - 4
French Lit - 3</p>

<p>I don't see how playing PRS is disrespectful especially if everybody was about done... Our test setting wasn't like that so it was impossible for us.</p>

<p>I always pace myself (if there's a huge clock that is) so I daze off every now and then and then pay attention again... I had 3 minutes left when i was completely done with the essay.. then i spent the last 3 minutes rereading and overlooking my essays (fixing senteces, etc)</p>

<p>I guessed i would get 4 on enviro but now i'm guessing 3.. I don't really care though because i'm an art major anyhow.</p>

<p>Calculus BC - 2/3 :|
US History - 5, maybe a 4 if the world ends
Chemistry - 3 guaranteed, possibly 4 - studied one day and thought i would fail but surprisingly easy.</p>

<p>whenever i predict something, like i got a good grade or something,
i always get jinxed, and everything turns out the opposite.</p>

<p>does that happen to anyone?</p>

<p>AP Eng Lang Comp - 2 or 3
AP U.S. History - 3
AP Biology - 3
AP Psychology - 4
AP Art History - 3</p>

<p>I think I got those scores lol.</p>

<p>Well, I probably got a 4 in AP US History, a 4 in AP Chemistry, and a 2 in English Language and Composition--which is probably my fault.</p>

<p>Calc BC - 4
Physics B - 4
US Government - 5</p>

It depends on the situation for me.</p>

<p>Art History - 4/5</p>

<p>Chemistry, 5
World History, 5
Spanish Literature is pending tomorrow morning (I am one of around 7000 students who are taking it, which stinks)</p>

<p>Do you guys think its easy to do self-study AP environmental science?</p>

<p>P.S. I am also taking AP Bio next year, will that help?</p>

<p>I heard environmental science is cake.
But I heard psych was cake too so I took it and got raped XD</p>

<p>bio- 3
macro- 4
micro- 4
chem- 3</p>

<p>RampReddy, I took Environmental Science and Biology same year. That actually helped me because some of the principles overlapped. In my opinions, I don't think ES is a hard class. If you do enough study, you can still pull off a 4 or 5. </p>

<p>Here are my predicted scores</p>

<p>Environmental Science Possibly 4 or 5 ( I didn't finish the last essay question)
Biology 4 or 5 (Overall, the test was pretty easy)
US History 4 or 3 if I messed up really bad ( Self-study)
English Language 3 ( This is my weakest spot)
Calculus BC 4 or 3, (I don't think the test was difficult, but I might mess up on some of the FR due to minor mistakes)</p>


<p>Last yr I though I did terrible overall and did very well. This year i feel as though i did fairly well (well, AP Chem wasn't excellent, but yeah)...hopefully this doesn't mean I do terrible this year :(.</p>