<p>i guarantee most of the people here are underpredicting their scores</p>
<p>I agree! Keep in mind the curves...</p>
<p>hmm.......i don't normally do this</p>
<p>AP Calc BC---5 (fingers crossed & knock on wood)
AP Chem-----5 (fingers crossed & knock on wood)
AP Stats------3 (that's if i'm lucky, it will be an absolute MIRACLE if I pass, my class never got through statistical inference.....it hurt)</p>
<p>IB HL History-----6 (fingers crossed, knock on wood)
IB HL English---- I don't even know where to begin guessing, I just don't have a gut feel, but I'm going to go with a 5.</p>
<p>Bio - 4/5 (I have yet to take the late form of the test but I'm pretty confident)</p>
<p>Physics B - 3/4 (eh....it's probably somewhere between a mid-3 and a very low-4)</p>
<p>English Language - 4/5 (I'm sure two of my essays scored 8 or 9s, and one a 7. I'm sure I got close to 75% of the MC since I stupidly skipped the easiest passage -due to bad time management!)</p>
<p>Calc AB - 4/5 (I'm sure it's on the border of a high-4 or a low-5)</p>
<p>French Lang. - 4/5 (I started the test sure I'd get a 5 but the listening and reading sections were a little tougher than I expected. I'm sure I aced the writing, grammar/verbs, and speaking sections though. I think I'd be underestimating if I said a 4.....I'm not too sure really.)</p>
<p>Italian Language/Culture - 5 (For the first year that this test is offered, it was SO easy! I'm sure I got anywhere from 85%-90% of the total points - w/o the curve. I pretty much had no trouble on any sections - and I successfully b/s-ed the culture essay since I didn't actually take a class to learn about the cultural aspect)</p>
<p>PHysics B.... the curve is leniant lol and i did do well on the free response so 3. I dont know what hppn in physics lol
STats 4-5 most likely a 5
Calculus AB 5
AP eng literature... i hate english but a 3 if im lucky a 4
AP CHem 4-5
AP Micro 4
AP Govt... the joy of being sick in the morning and not being able to show up to test day on time and now having to take an alternate exam but I will say 4 without even seeing it.</p>
<p>English Language (Self Study)- 3
Stats- 5
BC Calc- 5
Euro (Self Study)- 4
Physics B- 5
US Govt- 5</p>
<p>AP Stats - 4 (self study)
AP Calc BC - 5 (self study)
AP US History - 5
AP Euro - 4/5 (self study)
AP Chemistry - 5
AP Psychology - 4 (self study)</p>
<p>Scores w/o the commentary I had before:</p>
<p>Bio - 4 or 5
Physics B - 3 or 4
English Language - 4 or 5 (most likely a 5)
Calc AB - 4 or 5
French Language - 4 or 5 (most likely a 5)
Italian - 5</p>
<p>English Lang - 3
World - 5
Euro - 4
Bio - 5
Mech - 4
E&M - 2
US govt - 5
Comp govt - 4
Env - 5
Psych - 5
Macroecon - 5
Microecon - 4</p>
<p>I suck at predicting scores. Last year I predicted a 2 for AP World History (I cried) and it was actually a 5. </p>
<p>Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised again.</p>
<p>Cornholio How the heck do you take 12 AP tests in one year? Our max at our school is 3 per year...</p>
<p>I hate doing this... knowing that I will probably be disappointed.</p>
<p>AP Eng Lang- 5
AP Euro- 5 (foshizzle...lol)
AP Stats- 4... or maybe a 3. :(</p>
<p>your school can only regulate how many AP classes you can take -- not how many AP exams you can take</p>
<p>Bio- 5
Psych- 5
US- 4
Chem- 3 :-(</p>
^Wow you must have had no life during the last few weeks. I think I probably got
English - 2 or 3
USH - 3 or 4
Chem - 4 or 5 (really moving toward 5)
<p>Nah.. I didn't really study for any of them. The bulk of my studying was done in 2 or 3 hours the night before at like 10pm. Needless to say, it was a hectic week in terms of balancing work with periods of relaxation.</p>
<p>If you don't think positive, you won't get ahead in life. So stop being so humble you sheeplike people!!!</p>
<p>english language=5
us history=4 or 5
spanish language=3 or 4 (prob 3)</p>