So what are your predicted AP scores?

<p>french - 3
chem - 4</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>CalcAB - 4/5 (messed up a bit on the FR)
English Lang - 5
Micro - 5
Chem - 5</p>

<p>Calc AB-5
Phys C-5
English Lit.-4

<p>Music Theory: 4/5
U.S. Government & Politics: 5
Comparative Government & Politics: 5
Macroeconomics: 5
Microeconomics: 5</p>

<p>English Literature: 5
European History: 5
Physics C E/M: 5</p>

<p>US History: 5</p>

<p>English Literature: 5
Statistics: 5
Psychology: 5
Biology: 5
U.S. Government and Politics: 5</p>

<p>spanish -1
stats - 2
calc - 2
eng lit - 2
govt - 2
econ - 3</p>

<p>I have no faith in myself.</p>

<p>Psych: 3-4 (hope to god it's a 4)
Macro: 2
Micro: 3</p>

<p>Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic... I have only last year's bio to compare them to... and biological sciences are def my forte (3 years of it by the time I took the test-- I messed up only one subsection of the FR and was unsure of only 1 MC... ended up with a 5.) So of course, everything is going to seem uber impossible compared to that. But still, it's better to be pessimistic and pleasantly surprised than optimistic and disappointed.</p>

<p>Stat: 4 or 5
Macro: 5
Micro: 5</p>

<p>yeah, I think I did alright ;)</p>

<p>Eng: 3 or 4
Span: 4 or 5</p>

<p>Conservative estimates. Maybe I'm being a little harsh on myself, but I really sucked. The curves are awesome though, so we'll see.</p>

<p>Statistics- 4
Calc BC- 3, AB Subscore- 4 or 5
Comparative Government- 3
Micro Econ- 4
Macro Econ- 2</p>

<p>Spanish Literature: 4
Chemistry: 5
World History: 5</p>

<p>spanish lit-1
ib bio-2</p>

<p>lol j/k</p>

<p>micro - 5
lit - 4/5
calc bc - 5
psych - 4/5
us gov - 4/5
phys B - 5
env. sci - 5
phys c - 5</p>

<p>^Wow you must have had no life during the last few weeks. I think I probably got
English - 2 or 3
USH - 3 or 4
Chem - 4 or 5 (really moving toward 5)</p>

<p>World History-3 or 4
Art History -4 or 5 (probably a 5)</p>

<p>hm...never gotten a score report cause I'm a sophomore, so I don't really know how easy it is to get certain grades:S</p>

<p>Microecon: 4-5
US Gov: 5, high 4
Eng Lit: 4, high 3
Spanish Lang: Don't remind me... probably a 2, 3 if I'm lucky (I was expecting this one to be the highest, haha, but that test was screwy).</p>

<p>AP Psych- 4/5
AP Span- 2/3 most likely 2
AP Stat- 3
AP Lit- need a 5 but probably 4
AP Art- 3 (unfortunately)
AP Gov- 3 (I really screwed up)</p>