So, what do you think of the new board?

Not sure if this has been mentioned… I have a feeling that the majority of the reports are coming from registered users, but the forums “behave” differently for folks who are not logged in. Definitely more sluggish and awkward to navigate without registering. For example, the bottom video ad (on iPhone) drains the battery like there is no tomorrow. Unclicking removes this ad - but only until the reader moves onto a new thread, then the same ad appears. Makes you feel like swatting a pesky fly! There is a message that the experience becomes “better” after registering, but (i) it is impossible to get a feel for what this “better” means and (ii) most people prefer to lurk for a little while before deciding if they want to register, but the battery suck etc. make “lurking” a PITA. IMO this totally defeats the purpose of making visitors stick around and register. Just my 2 cents.


The last hour for me has been fine on iPhone and iPad. The hour prior to that, the site was nonfunctional. Stuck, blank screens, no clickable buttons/links. Both devices. I am starting to wonder if there is a morning update in the system that causes this since it’s happened a few times in the morning. Then seems to be fine the rest of the day. I’m always logged in FWIW.

Registered user, logged in on laptop, using Firefox. Site is unbearable slow, all times of day. Takes forever for links to be clickable and then pages sometimes load fine and other times only partially load.

I was able to reproduce the issues on Firefox today! Never been so happy to make the site not work. :man_facepalming: We’ll be working on it this week. I’ve been able to reproduce:

  • flashing
  • missing font and links in the header
  • jumping
  • scrolling slow or hitching

For me, it only happens when I am running a mobile or tablet view in Firefox. But that’s enough to let us track down the issue. Thank you everyone for your reports and details!


How does one set his/her profile to “private” on this site?

Whatever was done to the board the past day or two, undo it. My guess is some sort of ad.

I haven’t had problems on the board since the original ones were worked out. I’m on the same computer and Chrome (same system), but now - and yesterday - there’s horrible lag time, most likely while ads load or so it seems. Anything I try to do might, or might not, take a long time which is why I think it’s due to whatever ads are loading. It doesn’t stop once one is on a page. I can be in the middle of typing a word and everything stops. I won’t be on much until it’s fixed because it’s extremely aggravating.


I’m experiencing the same.

I’m also seeing more jumping around again and when I click the button for an unread response, it’s taking me to the response one above where I left off.

I’m also seeing a bunch of duplicates.

Another attempt to describe. I get into a thread I visited last night- I had then seen the last post. Let’s say I was at 500/500 last night. Now it’s sitting at at 250/500. I click the xxx/yyy and nothing happens. (Or sometimes the xxx/yyy isn’t even there.)

So, is it me, did I not touch the screen firmly enough? What to do? Sometimes, the spinner is there, (to know it’s processing,)
sometimes not. If I click again, I could be ‘undoing.’ I sit and wait, for a while.

Maybe the scroll bar then just shows up (I can’t figure rhyme or reason to this.) I try to use it to scroll down and…get no response.

Eventually, it scrolls>> to the top of the thread. Not what I asked for. I try again, maybe it moves down a bit. I try again, it moves up, not down.

I eventually get a scroll bar that seems to be responsive. I scroll down. Of course, it doesn’t go far enough. Maybe it takes me a bit further down, maybe not.

After a bit of this confusion, I try again, it *goes to the top of the page.

And guess what? Now it’s at the top of the page but a different thread.

Of course, since the system thinks I’ve “left” the thread I was examining, when I get back to Suggested or Unread, that thread is no longer shown. (It doesn’t seem to uniformly matter whether there were actual, remaining unread posts. It’s just gone.)

And, at any time, any move, the screen could stall again. (Typing this, eg, I tried to scroll up in Reply and got no response. In effect, not working. Lather, rinse, and repeat.)

I could go to my avatar, get to Activity, look for that thread-- but remember, the system is not properly responsive to my clicks. What if I haven’t responded yet? Sometimes, underthe avatar, I can find a previous link (the curved arrow or a Like,) and get back in the thread that way. But such link is not always available. If it IS, the system is now dropping me wherever that IT thinks I was, in the thread. Or where it thinks I should be. Or who knows what?

Did I say Lather, Rinse, and Repeat? I’m no further than when I started.

So far, I can’t even get back to the thread where I started this morning. It’s kinda like, “Here’s a butter knife, go hack your way through the jungle.”

I’ve been trying to watch my actions, see if it’s me. On occasion, it is. (Eg, I think I’m clicking X, but my pinkie is hanging over an ad, so it goes there.) That’s not entirely it, can’t explain being shot to somewhere in another thread, or the stalls. Can’t explain thing thing where I click a link under Avatar, as well, (maybe I want to see who Liked.) And it goes wherever it wants. Often, there is no xxx/yyy or anything else visible on the screen that I could navigate with. (If there is, which I can’t know, it would be up at the top of the page-- in other words, somehow scroll back up (oh yeah, sure,) to the top of the page, to see.

Add to all this, the design consideration: the scroll bar being so narrow that it’s hard to use it. Or the fact ads are allowed to block post content. So, can’t read a post. Can’t move the ad. Maybe it is an ad loading issue? I can tell you that, sometimes, when I’m trying to reply and the screen is stalled, I get no responsiveness until Preview flashes that it’s done something (I don’t know what, it just flashes and then I can try to proceed in the Reply box.)

Whatever this is all caused by, I think it’s going to need a complete scrub of the code. Something is allowing the system to jump around as it wishes or just stop at a seeming dead-end.

I can’t just shoot you a screenshot. I don’t know about the realtime tracking Mike or Jon suggested- this isn’t some simple linear issue. There’s a roadblock, a giant pothole, somewhere. Having worked with software, any one user’s specific bread crumb trail could- but not necessarily- magically show what’s up. But I’m not the only one who happens to experience X or Y problems.

Add another issue. At any point, I can lose the ability to scroll within the Reply box. Eg, I went back to correct a typo, can’t get back to where I was typing. It only scrolls now within the thread box, not in Reply.

Even setting the frustration aside, this leaves an unreliable experience.

I’ve had to reload the site twice in the last 15 minutes. Keeps getting “stuck”.

I usually keep a College Confidential tab open in my browser while I work or play online but had to close it this morning because it slowed down everything else. Using Chrome with Windows 10 on a laptop.

Screwy performance today. When i hit the back button in the Latest thread, it doesn’t bring me back to where I was (say 5 minutes ago). It brings me down to posts from 8 hours ago. Will we ever be able to tell what we’ve already read? I spend a lot of time figuring out where I was. Also, there’s no rhyme nor reason with the little blue indicators after a thread name. Sometimes there are numbers in threads I’ve never opened, and sometimes there aren’t numbers where I have read. And I guess I still don’t understand what the little blue dots are supposed to mean. They seem to be thrown around willy nilly.


Much better performance on iPhone without logging in. The wicked video ad at the bottom is GONE. Thank you! The ads in the middle of the page do not obstruct the screen or wreck the experience and seem to be more relevant (Lowe’s, Tractor Supply, etc.) I even clicked on a couple. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Unfortunately, today I had several times when I was reading a specific thread, the screen turned blank, and a completely different thread showed up.

When I try to attach a photo in a private message, it looks as though it will attach and I see a faded version of it as though it has gone through. But then a message pops up saying, “media items cannot be embedded in the message.” Has the ability to send photos been disabled?

I rarely have trouble on my work computer but it is SUPER slow today and glitchy - on this site only.

Slow and glitchy for me as well today.

Slow and glitchy for me since last night.

All week. And then some.


One of the original selling points of the Discourse platform was that it would be much easier to make tweaks, because it wouldn’t have to rely on non-CC employees to fix things and make changes. But there seems to be the same level of delays in getting things fixed as there used to be (where are those old PMs and bookmarks again?).

Two steps forward, one step back.


Lol, did you mean, “one step forward, two steps back?”