So, what do you think of the new board?

Sorry for being a little out of band this week - the CC elves have been heads down with the recent performance issue. :hammer: We fixed a few problems on the servers last night. Has anyone seen any improvement today?

@lookingforward @abasket @taverngirl @momofboiler1 @Creekland @HMom16 I’m particularly interested in any changes in your experience. Let me know!

No. Android cell, this am.

Still slow, spinner (at random) circles endlessly, clicking Reply, avatar or 3-lines gets no response. Still some pages with no xxx/yyy or no visible scroll bar.

Also still an issue with clicking, say, avatar, sends me into a thread.

For editing this reply, clicking the pencil repeatedly went nowhere. Once the spinner stopped, words were missing from the edit box.

FWIW, it’s working much better for me this morning so you did fix something that helped.

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I have been on limited time today but no page stalls noted. So improvement on that end from this computer.

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Hooray! One step forward. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I feel like I’m chasing a ghost with the Android issues. I’m asking the team to do a deeper dive with Android mobile to see if there are patterns we can identify.

To be fair, the tech team is working hard on getting the site running smoother and faster. I’m sure they will address other issues as soon as they can.

From a moderator’s perspective, they are working MUCH harder than the Vanilla people ever did. We would make requests and there would be crickets for many months. I find it very helpful that the new team is posting frequently to update us and ask questions. Vanilla NEVER did that.


I thought about it, and decided to post optimistically that things are generally moving forward with the platform’s functionality. But above is what I was really thinking.


This morning was slow. So far this afternoon I’ve had no issues. Macbook on Chrome.

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I had issues this morning but this afternoon seems good!

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Oddly…very oddly…I have not had these recently reported issues.

Using a brand new IPad 8 and Safari.

I have had very little internet time today due to other family members needing it, but at the moment this site is working perfectly fine on my laptop.

I consider it two steps forward and one back. I like this setup much better than the older one - just need to get the kinks out. My guess with my issue the other day is still that it was due to an ad not working properly. The last two days I haven’t been on much - been on the road taking med school lad to get his first vax (and back).


Pretty much unusable tonight. So very slow, only loads half a page then stops. I then tried to search for this thread, try to scroll to bottom (why doesn’t it bring me there?) click on reply… nothing happens for a minute, then it brings me to a completely different thread. Ugh. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Weird. I’m not having any problems at all right now. Either they fixed something in the last half hour since you posted @taverngirl , or it’s definitely weird.

I’m having problems again too.

Thanks for the report - we’re on it. Some users are experiencing it, but others will not - it depends on what servers you are using. We’ll try to move you over in the meantime.

I see three problems.

The biggest issue is that it frequently just freezes. I frequently need to close the window and just start over because the screen is dead. Hopefully someone is working on this. My guess is that it might be trying to load an advertisement from an ad site that is congested.

Sometimes I have trouble finding the thread that I was just reading. When the site freezes and I have to blow away the window when I come back I cannot find the thread that I had been intending to respond to.

Also, it can be hard to get to the end of a thread.


Also, for at least a week: in Reply, the first line or two is hidden. I can’t see what I’m typing- especially annoying with typos.

Here’s a picture example.

Oops. I can’t get to the top of this Reply box, either.
I have to keep typing to be able to see it in Preview, then I see it in the Reply box. Or the photo link button.

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Looks like desktop view on a mobile device. I know that mobile view was having a ton of issues earlier, if you switch back to mobile view is it usable now?

To switch, tap on the hamburger menu and there should be a Mobile View at the bottom of the menu that appears.

Yes. On your advice, I’m now in Mobile. I sent my last reply using that. Ok.
I’ll try this for a while.

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