So, what do you think of the new board?

App seems back to normal now. Not stuck.

Looks like we had some kind of service disruption this morning. We are investigating to figure out the cause. I will post when we know more…


I updated. Has seemed fine since lunch time!

So…terribly…slow…today. All day.
Is there some trick to an update?

Since the disruption this morning, the site has been performing normally according to all my indicators. By “update”, folks might be doing one of these things:

I just meant I updated my status up thread. Has been normal for me today since around noon.

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This has all gotten so slow for me that I can’t tell if it’s a system problem or some other fluke. Eg, it took a minute to get this Reply box to load. It just sits there and I wait. Do I click again or will that reverse my prior click? This post had flashed to a large blank screen several times. I wait and it goes back, but very large font. (Or, sometimes, it drops me in another part of the thread than where I was.) And with that larger font, things run off the right side of the page. It doesn’t seem I can reduce it by zooming out.

I often can’t get the cursor to place. (I can scroll from the post above, but not locate in the Reply box.) Often, I’m typing and the system just stops.

And scrolling often just doesn’t work. If the bar even moves, it can come back right where I was. I do not always have the page number (xxx/yyy) showing anywhere.

I thought some of the slowness could be the volume of posts, it being deadline for apps. But the bottom line is this is not functioning.

Oh, and that suggestion of how to update didn’t seem to work on my tablet. No visible reaction.

I’ve been having many of the same problems described above. Yesterday I deleted all cookies and history on my iPad to see if that helped. That, of course, meant I had to sign back in. I had a terrible time doing that. The first time I tried it, safari completely crashed. Then I went back in and couldn’t get to the log in screen at all. It kept giving me error messages. I cleared the cookies and history again and finally was able to log in. It took about five attempts before it finally recognized me. I haven’t noticed a difference in performance since doing all this.

I just used my senior member super powers for the first time. It felt great (just hope it doesn’t give me a big head!)


@lookingforward and @me29034 I’m going to create a support ticket for the specific issues you’re seeing. You’ll likely get follow up private messages to gather more info about your device. I’m unable to replicate your issue, so we’ll need to do more digging. Thanks for your patience!

Really slow today for me too, on macbook pro using firefox…and I haven’t had any problems until now.

I am using Firefox with OS X, and when I open CC pages in new tabs, you have to reload the new tabs to get the page to display. Happening on my desktop and on my ipad.

The font changed for me yesterday and it’s also loading super slow for me on both my iphone and laptop (safari).

The font often begins in one style when I first log-on, then quickly changes to normal. I’m 99% sure it happens when it is loading slowly.

@CC_Mike -

Been a real problem for me, too. So much so I was afraid to open this thread to find out what is going on. I knew it would take forever for me to scroll through the posts.

I am on an iphone, fwiw.

I bet it is a pretty widespread issue.

I’m able to replicate the font loading issue - We’ll be working on that this week. We’ll also do a comprehensive test with all browsers to get to the bottom of the slowness issues. Thanks for all the reports everyone - every bit of detail helps when it comes to tracking it down.

In my case, when replying, the font starts as expected, then it can seem to shift in the post above me. Some little blink in the screens, then mystery changes.

This am, I am ok, so far, with regard to speed. On both the android cell and tablet, Chrome.

Last night, I could be ok, scrolling up (from the posts, not the bar,) and then the page goes blank. I suspect this is a time thing- it just takes time to load what’s coming. But it’s a functional road block.

I also have a random problem clicking links- under my avatar or in Suggested or Unread. Click and it takes me somewhere else. I’ve tried to control for this, making sure I did hit the right line, etc. I’m pretty sure it’s not me. Eg, last night, trying to read a PM, what loaded was some other thread. Took me 3 tries.

Though it could seem we’re nitpicking, these are what stands in the way of smooth working.

Note, as I am typing, my screen changed to blank, then some box about hyperlinking. Nothing I did, besides be typing.

Anyway, thanks for listening.

I would love to see a screen recording of you using CC with these issues. If you’re willing, I can send you a tutorial for recording your screen. Think you might be up for that @lookingforward?

Maybe. Right now, I’m peeved enough that I don’t want some involved process that takes my time. (That’s an honest answer. But of course I would try.)

And I think you realize, we can move fast through CC. Often, these issues just pop up, without our recognizing exactly what we did. It’s not easy to recreate or even anticipate.

Eg, with my linking issue, unless I’m recording everthing I do, I could go back and click the link again, for you to see, but maybe this time it properly works.

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@CC_Mike I sent you a PM about a post flagging issue. Please check your PM box!

Oddly, I’m not having any loading or font issues…using a brand new Ipad 8 and Safari.

I’d rather not discuss the IPhone. Really, it’s very very hard to do anything on this site on a phone.