So, what do you think of the new board?

Just wanted to come back and say how much I am enjoying this new redesign! A huge improvement over the previous redesign. I am almost sorry that my youngest one is done with her admissions journey (she was accepted at her early school)! CC has been there every step of the way for all three of my kids, and I truly think their results would not have been as good if not for all that I learned on this site (a special thanks to @lookingforward - I have a special document with their words of wisdom through the years).


I like many aspects of the new format. In ways, it’s more mature.

It’s just the kinks that hinder. Right now, since changing to Mobile view, eg, I can’t see Preview. There’s a new icon in bottom right. Clicking on it opens the Reply box larger and it offers “hide preview.” But no preview appears. And unless I click that, I can’t type. I do the best I can…

On mobile view, the preview is a toggle (on desktop, it is side by side). On mobile, When you tap on the icon in the corner, it shows a read only preview of what will post. In order to get back to editing, you have to toggle off preview.

Preview toggle off (editing allowed):

Preview toggle on (editing not allowed):

Posting this in case anyone else has similar questions about how preview works. These differences between how the site works on mobile vs desktop definitely takes some getting used to…

Edit: on second thought this should prob be a separate thread… will make one later.

Yours is still public. Can you do me a favor and tell me if mine is public or private? I went into Account, then Preferences, then Interface, and clicked the private option, but I don’t think it worked. Can anyone confirm process?

You are good! Say’s your public profile is hidden.

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Thank you!

And so that’s how you do it @Bromfield2. : )

Is it my old eyes or did the font get smaller? :frowning_face:

It’s hidden.

No intentional font changes on the site since launch day. Some have experienced the font changing due to some loading issues that should be resolved now. If the font is literally smaller than before, it might be the zoom in and out function on your browser. I know I have tripped it sometimes and not noticed until I had a headache later in the day.

It has been jumpy and lagging for me the past 2 days.

I’m getting “this website is using significant memory” message again and it’s freezing up on me repeatedly this weekend.

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My tablet completely froze yesterday. The ultimate dead end where nothing works. I don’t know if that’s CC or the tablet.

There’s no answer yet to the question of “better?”

I still get long lags with just blank space. Or it stops when I’m reading or typing. Or I scroll and it stops, replaced by blank space. Same old stuff.

I do think the idea this relates to ads is feasible.

We’re used to ad loading getting in the way and the placement of my blank space(s) seems to mirror that. Eg, when scrolling through a thread.

And not only these functional interruptions, but we’re trying to do this often on cells, with their miniscule screens.

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Same issues on my iPhone. Hadnt had these issues in a while, however.

I originally wasn’t a fan of the new board, so much so that I didn’t bother with the website for several weeks after the update. However, now that I’ve spent more time on the new board, I do like quite a few of the new features such as the unread function, increased edit time, ability to see when someone else is typing a reply, since last visit line, fewer ads, and fewer autologouts. I’m have mixed feelings on the lack of pages. I find it positive in shorter threads… not as positive in longer threads, like this one. While there are some positives, there are also some negatives. A few examples are below. I may mention more later.

  1. I don’t like the auto editing of my post. For example, if I make a numbered list, the forum automatically renumbers. I cannot have a numbered list with a tie, such as countdown 1, 2, 2, 4. Instead if I post a numbered list, the SW will autoedit the numbers to be 1, 2, 3, 4… incremental without ties and add an indent. I realize that there are ways around this, such as typing 1- instead of 1. However, i’d much prefer, if the SW did not autoedit my post at all.

The SW also auto edits my post to include links to subforums. For example, I list a college name like WUSTL or Tulane , there are links to the corresponding subform. But no subforum links for Brown or CMU, for some reason. I’d much prefer if the software doesn’t autoedit my post to add links at all.

  1. I preferred the old way of saving post drafts, where you could save many drafts of many threads at the same time, without reminders of abandoning… or even worse requiring a refresh/abandon decision while in the in the middle of typing response.

  2. While attempting to post a response, occasionally I’ll get an error code. I can eventually post, if I click submit another 1x or 2x, so not a major problem… just an annoyance.

Lots of issues today. Slow loading, skipping pages, freezing pages. At one point I got a message that the page wasn’t responding and I had to quit out (once again losing my place in Latest Posts).

And I still get diverted to the wrong place. I’ve been trying to track this and yes I can click on, say, a link to a PM and wake up in some thread.

Still the issue of finding a thread I was just in, but somehow slipped out of. A particular problem when the screen lags.

This appeared under Suggested. Same for, I think, the part one wedding thread, this am. Both now closed.

There are no new posts there. Certainly not 56 unread.

My concern is that the issues are getting creakier, some more obscure. It seems like Hercules and the Hydra: chop off one head and 7 appear in its place.


Painfully slow today. Buffering constantly :frowning:

Walgreens ads are covering content. @CC_Mike @CC_Jon @CC_Sorin

Thanks for flagging, @skieurope! I reported the issue to the ads team.

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