<p>I just completed my first semester of High School and I'm in NJROTC, I think that I can do a lot of what the Naval Academy looks for. I started JV Football for half of the season, and I'm currently wrestling varsity. The classes I took this semester were regular Biology, English I Honors, JROTC, and Weight Conditioning. I got a B in Biology and english, and As in weight conditioning and JROTC. Now from what I know you have to get recommendations from senators and etc. How do I get in contact with them? And what must I do to receive a recommendation?</p>
<p>My advice now is just concentrate on school. You’re just a freshman so you have a ways to go. Community service, academics, extra curriculars, and leadership should be things that you should be striving for since they are important. Leadership is very important.</p>
<p>And for nominations, you DON’T need to know a senator or congressman personally. Some people think you do in order to obtain a nomination. And usually you interview with a board the nominating source picked so you never really have contact with the nominating source.</p>
<p>Last advice here, read up on these forums since they have a plethora of advice. Good luck!</p>
<p>TheAlmightyHugo, You should be taking Math every semester! You’ll want to be up to Calculus by your senior year. Take SAT/ACT now. We found out some kids took it annually since 8th grade. Your scores should peak out spring of your junior year or fall of your senior year.</p>
<p>Best thing we did was get book by Smallwood: “THe Naval Academy Candidate Book.” Can order from any bookstore or on web. Chock full of good info.</p>
<p>Go visit, if possible. We went on a weekend son’s junior year. Attended a football game, spent lots of time on the yard.</p>
<p>These forums are extremely helpful. Read through old threads. Also there’s another forum called “Service Academy Forums.” </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Hi Hugo,</p>
<p>Congratulations on your desire to attend USNA and serve in the Navy/Marine Corps! As one of the steps to become a member of the Class of 2016, you will need to receive at least one “nomination” from your one of your Senators, OR your US Representative, OR the US Vice President. You may possibly qualify for a nomination through NJROTC, or if one of your parents is in the military service, you may receive a nomination from the US President. The end goal is to receive an “appointment” to USNA from the President. To help understand the application process, you might want to look at the “Steps for Admission” web page:</p>
<p>[USNA</a> Admissions - Steps for Admission](<a href=“http://www.usna.edu/Admissions/steps.htm]USNA”>http://www.usna.edu/Admissions/steps.htm)</p>
<p>As previous posters have said, work hard on your grades. Also, pick a few extracurricular activities (particularly sports or service) - NJROTC is a good one. The type of activity isn’t as important as your desire to participate, contribute, and eventually take on leadership roles.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks for all the advice, I’ll look a little more into it and consider the things that you guys mentioned.</p>
<p>Right now, concentrate on high school. Lots can change in the next three years. So rather than focus your life on what will get you into USNA, focus on making yourself a happy, well-rounded student. This will serve you well whatever you decide to do.</p>
<p>That means taking the hard courses, including English, math (highest level you can take), sciences, advanced language, etc. Stay away from the “softer” courses, such as art, music, art history, etc., UNLESS one of these is your passion. Focus on doing well academically (As and Bs). Study hard., every semester.</p>
<p>Participate in the sports and activities that interest you. Don’t just be a “member” of a team or club, figure out ways you can make a difference. What projects can you initiate or lead? How can you change things for the better?</p>
<p>I’m not sure you need to obsess about SATs/ACTs right now. If you’re a decent test taker, you’ll probably be fine. If you freeze up (more than most) or otherwise know you have trouble with standardized tests, then you might want to start preparing early. </p>
<p>Finally, stay out of trouble. No DUIs. No drugs. No vandalism or gangs.</p>
<p>Try to have fun along the way. High school is (or should be) more than checking off boxes for college applications.</p>
would suggest you start your quest by reading “A Candidates Guild to the United States Naval Academy” written by Smallwood- it is available on Amazon.com, and it will give you a good overview on the admission and nomination process, as well as how to best prepare yourself. Consider it a “must read.” </p>
<p>[Amazon.com:</a> The Naval Academy Candidate Book: How to Prepare, How to Get In, How to Survive: Sue Ross: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Naval-Academy-Candidate-Book-Prepare/dp/0979794315/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1230511242&sr=1-1]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Naval-Academy-Candidate-Book-Prepare/dp/0979794315/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1230511242&sr=1-1)</p>
<p>(this is an updated version of the book first written by Smallwood)</p>