So what to wear for swimming class?

<p>Can someone tell me all the stuff I will need for swimming class? Because like I don't know them in English. Sorry about being a bit lazy, but thanks a lot!!!</p>

<p>PS: Can we wear shorts? Like boxers?</p>

<p>swimming trunks</p>

<p>You need to wear swimming trunks. Also...a lot of students purchase goggles. I've been teaching swim lessons for a few years and noticed that swimmers have an easier time swimming when they have goggles.</p>

<p>You can get both swimming trunks and goggles at Sears.</p>

<p>I bet you could get a pair of swimming trunks from the Cornell Store or Bear Necessities in C-Town as well.</p>

<p>Back in the day the kids used to swim in their birthday suits.</p>

<p>Buy the Speedo LZR series, the best one I saw online was $550. After the swim test give my that suit as a gift, so I can shave 3 seconds off my time instantly.</p>

<p>Thank you all!!!</p>

Buy the Speedo LZR series, the best one I saw online was $550. After the swim test give my that suit as a gift, so I can shave 3 seconds off my time instantly.


<p>lol except that after using it 10 times you need to get a new one since the material on the suit breaks down</p>

<p>How do we sign up for PE classes? It looks like I can't do it online.</p>

<p>Some PE classes you can sign up online ... just find the course number. Others you can't .. u have to go to Teagle hall to do that. Go to the Cornell PE website for more info.</p>

<p>Speedo Vanquishers = greatest goggles known to mankind.</p>