So what's your senior schedule? Class of 2012

<p>Almost senior year!!! What all are you guys taking next year?
I'm doing APUSH, AP Euro, AP lit, AP stats, honors physics, weights (before school) and independent study health.</p>

<p>YAY!! just two more weeks till summer for me!!</p>

<p>I’m taking a college religion class over the summer. Next year I’ll do…</p>

<p>AP Stats
AP Lit
AP Art
Intl. Politics and the UN
Film as Dramatic Lit
Enviro Sci
German Language and Culture (online, my school doesn’t offer French 5 or AP French so no more French for me haha)

<p>I think I got everything…</p>

<p>ap physics
ap lit
ap art history
ap calc
probs and matrices

<p>I’m not that smart so AP bio, AP calc AB, AP english, no history, no language class, one full year elective</p>

<p>I’m taking it easy next year. </p>

Medical Arts/EMT
Arabic I&II
US History Honors
Bio AP</p>

<p>omg hardest schedule ever for me</p>

<p>Physiology and Anatomy
Chemistry AP
Physics C AP
Biology AP
Calc BC AP
English 4 AP
Macroeconomics AP/Government AP</p>

<p>AP calc bc
AP Spanish 5
Honors Econ and gov (poss take ap test independently my school doesn’t over ap class)
Honors English 12</p>

<p>AP French
AP Calc BC
College English
AP Gov
College Computer Engineering
Creative Writing
Spanish 3
and then either AP Bio(in school) or AP Physics C(as an assisted study)</p>

<p>Our school might end up not offering APUSH next year. :frowning: I’ll probably do psych if it ends up being cancelled.</p>

<p>My schedule so far:
AP US Gov’t/AP Macro
AP Comp Gov’t/AP Psych
AP Art History
AP Art Drawing
AP English Lit
AP Stat? AP Calc? or French V Honours (no AP after French IV)</p>

<p>Still deciding between math or French. I already have four years of math and four years of science under my belt. Not sure which would be better to take for my resume. Colleges may find it peculiar that I didn’t opt to take an additional year of science or math. Art is double-block, and while I really don’t feel like being in it, I don’t think I can get around it. I love art, just not the class.</p>

<p>I’ve been in French since 7th grade, and I don’t want to drop it now. My school only allows seven periods per day, but I’ll see if I can convince my counsellor to let me take eight periods. :</p>

<p>Luckily, I have a summer to figure it out.</p>

<p>^Eight periods? That’s really crazy. For your own safety, I wouldn’t advise taking 8 AP classes…I took six this year, and this year has been HELL. Senior year, I’m taking:</p>

<p>AP Art History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish V
AP Biology
AP US Govt/AP Macro
AP English Lit</p>

<p>The funny thing is, the first four classes are extraneous for me. I’m only taking them so colleges don’t think I just I’m slacking off senior year.</p>

<p>Wow,I seem like a huge slacker in comparison. I’m taking.</p>

<p>AP Bio
AP Lang & Comp
Academic (Grade-Level) Government
AP Stats
Creative Writing
Independent Living
Geospatial Science</p>

<p>AP Calc
AP Spanish
AP Lit
Economics / P.I.E.S.

<p>Ap statistics
Ap environmental science
Ap bio…
Ap gov./economic
Ap lit.</p>

<p>I only have 5 classes, am I a slacker?</p>

<p>@Monkeylord: 5 AP’s is a lot…you’re not a slacker.</p>

<p>my schedule:
AP Physics C
AP US Government
AP Chinese
AP Psychology
English 12
Wind Ensemble
Multivariable Calc (online course?)</p>

<p>how does this look?</p>

<p>@jefferygiraffe impressive, as do all the other schedules</p>

<p>English Lit
AP CAlculus AB
AP PHysics C
AP Statistics
AP Govt/Politics
Econ/US+ World Affairs</p>

<p>AP Calc BC
AP Language and Comp
AP Latin
AP Psych
German III
Contemp Issues</p>

<p>I’ll probably have to drop one or two because of scheduling issues:</p>

<p>AP Art History
AP Computer Science
AP English Literature
AP US Government/AP Macroeconomics
AP Statistics
AP Biology</p>

<p>ap french
ap lit
ap calc bc
ap phys c
princeton general chem or orgo (if there is room)
and of course us history II :&lt;/p>

<p>First Semester:
Latin II
World Literature
Western Civilization
Linear Algebra
Electricity and Magnetism
Human Anatomy and Physiology
maybe Exploration Geosciences
and my mentorship</p>

<p>Second Semester:
Latin II
World Literature
Western Civilization
Differential Equations
Thermal Physics, Waves, and Optics
maybe Leadership Seminar
and my mentorship</p>