So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I got my first Moderna shot this morning. I have to say, the process for our agency was like a well oiled machine. All sign up was done online via VAMS (vaccine administration management system) which is a CDC thing. There are folks to assist those who would find this difficult to do.

I was able to choose my location, and chose the local health department. When I arrived, I was greeted by a person who handed me the info sheet on checking in. It gave options to text, call or go to the door. I texted my last name and time of my appointment and received a ā€œproceedā€ text back 2 minutes before my scheduled time. I went in answered the list of questions and had my temp taken by one person. The second person I saw verified that I was in the group of eligible recipients (I was). Then I went to the sign in person who verified my info, gave me info about the Moderna vaccine which is what I got.

Then I went to the vaccine area. Three stations were set up for administration of vaccines. There was also a ā€œrunnerā€ who was going to get items to restock these stationsā€¦vaccines, syringes, alcohol swabs, Covid ID cards (which we each got to take with us), etc. I waited only a couple of minute and was seated with the vaccine person who again verified my info. Then she gave me the shot which I honestly didnā€™t feelā€¦at all. Not at all.

We were then asked to go to an observation room for 15 minutes. It was a huge room with 8 tables and a chair at each table. We signed in time and name and the person watching monitored everyone there. There was an EMS van outdoors if needed. When it was time to leave, the nice supervisory person came over and let me know I could leave, and cleaned my area with disinfectant.

My appointment was at 11:10 and by 11:43 I was talking to my husband on my way home!

Next appointment needs to be set up for February 2. They said I should receive an email about it but if not, to log back into the VAMS and make my appointment.


We have providers who received their first dose about the same time as your daughter and they will also be receiving their second doses this week.

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My DD and husband get their second shots tomorrow. Both are on the front lines.


And my second shot is scheduled for February 2. The VAMS system really is good. Email notifications and easy scheduling. And reminders and mostly online checking in. Not all agencies are using it, but mine did!


My second shot is Feb 1. It will be good to have it over with

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My sister has CF and has been put on a list by her Dr. that if extra doses are available at her local clinic, she could be called to come right away. It is like waiting for an organ donation. She normally is not allowed to have her phone on her at work but has been given permission during this time in case she gets the call.

A friend has a son in early 20ā€™s who works at a computer company that sometimes has to go to nursing homes/care facilities and he received his vaccine this week.

I think Pfizer can be given to ages 16 and up, Moderna is 18 and up. D turns 18 in April. I donā€™t know if anyone in our family will be able to get a vaccine before then, but at least being 18 in April would allow her to get either when available.

We are hearing that the risk of fever is higher after the second dose of vaccine. Will report the experience of the folks who are receiving their second dose this week. I am scheduled for my second round on 1/25. The appointment was made when I received the first dose.


My sister, a nurse in NYS, received the vaccine this week. She knows 3 nurses who have fallen ill with Covid several days after the vaccine. She canā€™t figure out whether itā€™s because they unconsciously let their guard down and werenā€™t as strict with their protocols, or whether they got sick from someone else waiting for the vaccine. Where she went, there were a lot of people in the waiting room and some people waited over 2 hours. She had on a N-95 but many others only had a surgical mask, and it was impossible to follow social distancing guidelines.

Seems like 2+ hours in a crowded indoor space with someone who is unknowingly contagious could do it. Masks increase the time needed to be infected, but 2+ hours is long enough that the extension of time needed to be infected due to masks may not be enough.


Went to the dentist today and was happy to learn that their office has had their first dose. Less happy to learn that one of their workers was mugged in the parking lot in the early morning last week.

Personally, Iā€™ve just been bumped by incarcerated folk, which is fine by me.

Thankful my 1b parents received the Moderna vaccine today here in West Texas.


Youā€™re right. It seems crazy that the hospital administering the vaccine is doing it in a non-socially distant (& therefore risky) manner. My other sister who lives in FL said that by her the vaccine is administered to people via drive-through, and people stay in their cars the whole time.

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Dang it, wished my high school senior was already 18. Email sent out yesterday from the hospital I am credentialed out is having a clinic today on first come first serve basis, for adult family members who live with the patient care provider. It is first come, first serve and they have 180 vaccines.

Med school lad just got his first. Glad heā€™s started on them. Three weeks until his second.


Does anyone know if they are testing any of the vaccines on children yet?

My agency just provided me with a letter making me eligible for the vaccine. Now to find a locationā€¦

This is in NYC. I am a psychotherapist who works in the office one day a week and sees 2-3 clients a month face to face (mask to mask) at a social distance. I do sessions with the rest of my clients via telemedicine (Zoom or phone).


Here you go, COVID-19: Vaccine Locations - NYC Health

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I had my first shot and very little soreness to the area. Nothing else to report. Iā€™m grateful to have received it and looking forward to my second shot. I hope everyone gets one!


Thank you. I just went through various scheduling portals and got an appointment for this coming Sunday. Inconvenient location but worth it!


for the nurses that have fallen ill with Covid after the vaccine, how sick have they gotten? One of the things I believe the vaccine is to do , is prevent severe disease. We also know that after the first dose one is not fully protected yet, but would be interesting to know if you get Covid before you are fully vaccinated how bad it is.