So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Those 3 nurses each had flu-like symptoms for several days. But I don’t think we can extrapolate anything from that; each of these women were in good physical health and were in their 40s or 50s, so their symptoms seem fairly typical for their age and health. But it seems like although there may be a “typical”, that there are a number of people who fall outside of that typical either with fewer symptoms or much worse symptoms. As my D likes to say, it’s like roulette, you just don’t know how a particular individual will react. So who knows whether any of those 3 would have reacted worse if they hadn’t received the vaccine? I think you’d need to look at a very large group to get any real information.

Got my first shot yesterday afternoon. I’m in 1b. Injection site is surprisingly achy, but I’ll take it!


DD and SIL both had their second Pfizer shots yesterday. Both called in sick to work today…chills, nausea, fever, headaches. They said overnight was awful. Both are better this afternoon, but tired.

They do say the second shot has more bang in it!

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D got her second shot on Wednesday (Pfizer). She told me last night that she was exhausted. She’s been working crazy 15+ hour days so I am sure that didn’t help. It does sound like the second shot has more of an effect.

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I remember months ago when we were all so scared, frustrated, and wondering if there would be any light at the end of the tunnel in the next year or even 2 or 3. I am THRILLED to read about all the CC members, their family members, and friends and coworkers receiving a vaccine that will most likely save many lives.

This is AWESOME.


Med school lad told me yesterday his arm was just slightly sore (he got his first shot yesterday). Today he can definitely tell it’s sore, but no other problems.

I will remind him the second shot is likely to be worse so he can schedule his day accordingly. He’ll have 3 days after his second shot before he has to be back on duty at the hospital, so hopefully that will be enough time.


Got my second Pfizer yesterday. Arm was much more sore than the first one. I took tylenol before bed and was fine, but sore in the morning. Started feeling not so great when the morning tylenol wore off. Flushed, achy. That feeling you get when you’re trying to fight off something. I’m still at work, waiting patiently for 7:30 to roll around so I can go to bed. One of my coworkers called in today. I’m older so I’m actually glad I’m feeling something.


I took the NYT quiz and am apparently behind 268 million people? I’m still under 60, retired, and have no chronic heath issues. While I’m not happy being so far down the list, I am very happy that I am so far down the list.


Did anyone see this?

Any medical people on here that can comment?

I got my 2nd shot today

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2nd Pfizer vaccine this morning, injection site only tender if I press on it. no other symptoms yet. @taverngirl, I had not heard about the dr’s death. Very sad.

Just got my first Moderna shot today. So far I haven’t died.

As my med school boy puts it, if the doctor did somehow die from the vaccine (definitely not certain yet as far as we know), that makes it one death. There are oodles more deaths - even in his age group - from Covid, not to mention all of those living with long haul effects. The odds still favor getting it over not.

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Of course, it is not yet determined whether the condition leading to death was vaccine-caused or coincidentally appeared shortly thereafter.

There will probably be coincidental deaths as the vaccines get distributed to nursing home residents and other 75+ year old people who may die shortly thereafter for unrelated reasons.



My SIL reports no symptoms 30 hrs after second vaccine . ( Pfizer)


My daughter received confirmation from Moderna that she did indeed get the real vaccine (first dose in late Aug, second a month later) in the trial. She says that they will continue to be monitored for the full 24 months but that now those in the placebo arm are getting the real stuff immediately.
She is beyond thrilled, not only that she helped prove efficacy and safety, but that less than 5 months later her dad and I (this week) were able to be vaccinated. (So far only sore arms and a bit of a headache).


Everyone at my daughters hospital who got the vaccine was required to wear an N95. Thus there was no more ( indeed Less) likelihood of spreading disease than they have during their work where they are constantly around patients who aren’t masked and from whom they most certainly aren’t socially distanced and around other staff who they cannot distance from indeed often need to be on top of each other while working in many instances.

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Yay, we finally are able to get my 91 year old mom’s consents to be completed at her CCRC so she can get her 1st Moderna dose 1/31 or 2/2.


24 hours post 2nd Pfizer. Mild localized muscle ache of injected site. No other symptoms. Have not taken any NSAIDs or Tylenol.