So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Thanks. I was still working off the 15 min rule.

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New NYC guidelines:

So it looks like I am eligible, but have to wait for my agency to arrange.

We are in Maricopa county, AZ, which is one of the largest counties in the US. They are vaccinating health care workers at five locations (pods) in the county. My husband got an email from his employer to register with the county, which involved an eligibility questionnaire. He received an email a week or two later with instructions on how to book an appointment. there were plenty of appointments available. He got his first shot last Tuesday. He said the site, which was being run by the national guard, was a well oiled machine. It was drive through, many lanes. He said hundreds of cars but no confusion. He got his vaccine from someone he thought was probably a firefighter (they have enlisted volunteers for some of this), waited the requisite time to watch for allergic reaction (they wrote the time of vaccination on his windshield), and was sent on his way. He later received an email to register for the second vaccine online. It was the same registration system but he was specifically registered for dose 2. The online registration system is a little bit cumbersome but it works. On the whole, pretty impressed with how itā€™s being managed so far. I understand nursing homes in phase one are being handled by CVS and Walgreens somehow.
DH is a retail pharmacist and the clientele at his location is almost entirely over 65. He is taking dozens of calls daily from people asking how they can get vaccinated but he has no information on when his location will be giving vaccines.


What a nice report! Thanks for sharing and I hope this is the future of vaccine rollouts

I just read an article about how hard it is to get the vaccine in Texas, even if you are in the groups who are eligible. I donā€™t think they have gotten enough doses yet. I also suspect there is a bit of health groups taking care of their own.

Same is true in Florida. Just make it 65 and older and a free for all. if you live in an adult community they are bringing it in ,but if you live in a regular neighborhood/building forget about it

My daughter, a nurse who sees COVID patients, just got her SECOND DOSE!! Iā€™m so happy!!Her first dose was December 15.


Our school district started vaccinating the K-3rd grade teachers as those students are not required to wear mask, Special ed, and any teachers 65 and over and any teachers meeting CDC defined co-morbidity today at large vaccine clinic. All vaccine were Moderna and optional.


Awesome for your daughter! I am getting my Pfizer booster Thursday!


I get my second shot on Thursday. Feeling hopeful.
My elderly dad is in Florida. A county near his was on the news for the huge first come first served lines. His county did tickets through an online service. He got off the waitlist but then waited 2 hours after his scheduled time in a conga line of cars to get it. Bring snacks!


Continuing our now family trend of having to be spontaneous and Plan A rarely happening - trend goes back to 2017 when my mom found out she had cancer - weā€™ll be dropping everything tomorrow to get med school lad back to school so he can get his Pfizer shot on the 7th with his second dose already scheduled for the 28th.

Then we have to really consider if he gets to go to FILā€™sā€¦ weā€™d been holing up completely for 10 days - just in case. The trip to his med school residence and back isnā€™t a problem, no contact with anyone needed. But at his residence his roommate is there (tested negative yesterday, butā€¦) and there will be ā€œwhateverā€ contact actually getting the vaccine.

Decisions are rarely easy (sigh). But we know we want him to have the vax, as does his system (though it isnā€™t required).

D1, a psychologist at a VA hospital, got her first dose and gets the second one tomorrow.

I live in Texas, am a RN in an elective plastic surgery center. I have registered for the vaccine, but have no idea where I fall. I havenā€™t been working because of COVID, and would certainly like to work in the future. I do not fall in the first phase as I do not take care of COVID patients.

My Dad received his vaccine yesterday. He lives in a retirement community that consists of independent living, assisted living, rehab, memory care, and full on nursing home. My Dad is in independent living, but is 83 with significant co-morbidities.


Also in TX and work in health care. We were asked to sort staff into three groupsā€“health care workers (HCW) working on COVID units, HCW with direct patient contact (nonCovid), and all other HCW. The first two groups were offered the vaccine beginning in mid December. The last group was allowed to be vaccinated beginning this week.

I think there are confusing and conflicting messages about when and where the public will be able to get vaccinated in TX. There is no shortage of the vaccine but I think they want to make sure that all HCW are offered the vaccine before it is offered to the high risk patient groups. At least one health system in the county has begun scheduling high risk patients for the vaccine and I believe that we are soon to follow suit.

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D is scheduled to get her second shot tomorrow. Iā€™ve seen several of my friends who are doctors posting about their first shots. No idea when we will qualify for the shot - donā€™t fall into any of the critical categories. I guess we have to call our primary care and ask? Iā€™d like to go see my parents - donā€™t want to do that until Iā€™ve gotten the vaccine.

We are also in Texas. Our county health dept has an online sign up (not too easy to navigate so I worry about elderly people). When you register they check your eligibility and send you an email with a link to another registry. Then they send a text or email with your scheduled time. They plainly state that it will be short notice since supply isnā€™t regular yet, and not to register unless you could be available the day after notification.

Our daughter (Seattle area nurse) says her group in the Moderna trial will be notified Friday as to which shot they got and offered a vaccine if in the placebo arm. As if anyone who volunteered for a trial is going to say ā€œNo, Iā€™m not sure that this is safeā€.

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Itā€™s only my med school lad who is getting the vax and he had to attest that he is a medical worker. Starting Jan 25th heā€™s back working on the front line. Getting his first shot on Thursday will give him more protection than heā€™s had.

They quit ā€œshieldingā€ med school students (3rd and 4th year) from Covid a few months ago saying they realize now that Covid isnā€™t going to go away quickly and they need to have experience with it. At least his school has done that - not sure about others.

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Reading this thread, Texas seems to be ahead of many states in terms of the reach of people they are offering the vaccine to.

Or else we have more posters from Texas on here.


I feel like California is not doing a great job with vaccinating. My friends who work at big health centers have gotten vaccinated. But I work for the State at a Covid Surge facility and we are still waiting. Since we are alternate care (more like skilled nursing) I guess we would qualify as long term care, although you would have thought they would have at least put our nurses at the front of the line.

Florida is trying to vaccinate all over 65. Broward county says by next week they should be able to do 20K shots a week and expanding locations. Certain retirement communities have had the vaccine come to them. my Aunt who is over 90 got her first shot this week. She has not left her home since March. (except for being outdoors away from people). My mom was scrambling to get in somewhere and finally has an appointment in two weeks.