So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I got my first Pfizer two week ago and am scheduled for the second. After the first, I had a sore arm for a bit more than 24 hours, and perhaps felt tired, but am usually tired after working Christmas as well as celebrations after work.

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D2ā€“medical resident-- got her first Pfizer vaccination the week before Christmas. D1ā€“an EM doc --got her first Moderna vaccination a week ago Thursday.

My state will start vaccinating those in group 1B (my group) within the next 2 weeks.


I had 2nd dose Pfizer yesterday. Arm soreness, mild headache & tired today but otherwise fine


Michigan. Med school SIL got his 1st Pfizer before Christmas, 2nd is soon. Dental school D1 got her Pfizer Monday. D2 and I got ours today, Moderna. Well-organized by county health department, injections by National Guard. In and out in under 30 minutes, including 15 minute wait time. They were doing 4 people every 15 minutes. I told the young man who gave mine that he had excellent technique, was he considering health care? Nope, architecture.

No issues so far, shoulder barely feels any different. D2 is sorer, has a headache.


And Walgreens/CVS are going into nursing homes in our county. Residents and staff are all done same day. Not sure how itā€™s staffed, but one of my patients works at a continuing care facility with 300 residents and every one who wanted a vaccine got it.


I got my first Pfizer dose today. My arm has been sore and Iā€™ve had a bit of a headache, but otherwise fine. Iā€™m thankful for science and all those working hard to make this happen.


My guy tells me his arm is better today, so just a sore arm for a day for his side effects with Pfizer shot #1.


Now that more people on CC are getting vaccines, I really appreciate all reports on side effects. Please keep them coming.
I am thinking when my mom gets her second dose, I should plan on being with her based on some postings here.


Being with your mom after her second shot is a good idea. I donā€™t think really anyone should be alone if itā€™s possible to have someone nearby.

Iā€™m planning to get my next shot at 11:00 on Feb 2, driving straight home, and taking Tylenol. I donā€™t live alone. If I did, I would at least want someone calling me on the phone to make sure I was OK.

I felt pretty icky the evening of my first shot - fatigue, headache, arm soreness but fine the next day. Honestly my biggest side effect was a metallic taste in my mouth for the first 24 hours.

Iā€™m also happy I donā€™t live alone. Iā€™m due for shot 2 on 2/4.

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D gets her second dose (Pfizer) on Tuesday. She has requested that I be there that day and the next. She has two little ones. She works at 4p on Wednesday, so is hoping she will be okay for that. We live five minutes apart, so we are often back and forth. Both D and SIL received first dose in December, about a week apart, and had no issues. Fingers crossed.

We are SO thankful for the scientists and all the talented people making this happen.

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Saying that someone should not be alone after a second shot is going to cause a lot of people who CANā€™T be with an elderly relative (or not elderly) to worry about them. If you canā€™t be with them, maybe see if they can get an earlier in the day appt and then call them every couple of hours or Facetime if possible to see how they look/feel.


Agree, @abasket. D is not saying she should not be alone. She just wants support should she not feel great. Taking care of two busy little ones is a big job.

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@abasket I believe thatā€™s what I said. If I had to be alone, I would want someone calling me to see if I was OKā€¦and needed anything.

Itā€™s not meant to scare. The side effects are well documentedā€¦so being prepared just in case is prudent.

Also, in my DDs case, her shot was at 11 in the morning. She didnā€™t start feeling crummy until about 9 that night. And she said the overnight was the worst part. But Iā€™ve also read that younger people are tending to have these side effects more than olderā€¦does anyone have a reference to that?

@thumper1 you did mention the phone call situation. I just think this is a very high anxiety time for many people and many, many, MANY people even just here on CC donā€™t have the luxury/ability to have someone with them for hours afterwards or to be with a loved one afterwards. No one needs more guilt or anxiety that something might go wrong.

If the side effects are well documented than we should already be prepared without needing to keep a ledger of how many people had a headache/sore arm/etc. To me it sounds like people will get the vaccine and sit and wait for something wrong to happen. This is the picture being painted. (IMO)

We are being a bit dramatic here. There are many ways of keeping tap on someone without being there. I live 40 miles away from my mom. I try to be as safe as possible just so I could see my mom on a regular basis. But if I were not able to be with my mom for whatever reason, I would still be able to keep track of her through various technologies. Yes, I have the luxury of being with my mom and I will take advantage of it, but if I couldnā€™t then I would find other ways. I live by myself, but I know when I take my second dosage my kids will be in touch with me to make sure I am ok. If your parent(s) live in an assist living, I am sure they have professionals to make sure they are ok.


My H just had his second dose (Pfizer) and has had no side effects other than a sore arm. His coworkers have said the same.
My D (Moderna) said she had a terrible headache and fatigue for about 24 hours after her first dose but otherwise felt fine.
She gets the second dose in about a week.
D had Covid back in late February and still has antibodies so she wonders if that might have something to do with her reaction.

I read a report by a couple who were in one of the original trials. The wife, who they think got the real vaccine, said the second shot was a lot worse and she felt terrible that night, suffered all night, and then her husband woke and went and got her tylenol or something and she was fine. They think he didnā€™t get the real vaccine.

I thought ā€œWhy didnā€™t they have some drugs in the house?ā€ Most people have something like IBprofin or whatever their drug of choice is.

Be prepared for headache, chills, sore arm, whatever. Have OTC drugs.

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i got shot #1 of the Moderna vaccine at a high school the other end of Brooklyn from where I live. It would have taken 1.5 hours on public transportation so I rented a car for 1 dayā€“cheaper than 2 Uber/Lyfts! Then from there I drove to my daughterā€™s apartment 1.5 hours from home, with a stop at Trader Joeā€™s to stock up for both of usā€“no TJ near her. My arm isnā€™t even sore.

The most amazing thing was that my dentist spotted me about to sit down at the vaccine station just in front of his. Talk about coincidences! There were many signs saying no videos, if you take a photo, just take it of yourself. But he gladly incuded himself in the photo! He is a volunteer. Amazing guy.


I am from Texas and got COVID in June. I got my first Moderna shot 2 days ago. I had an extremely sore arm that night. I could not lay on that side. I had chills, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, joint pain. I swore to myself that I may not get the second shot. I felt awful for about 48 hours but now feel better. I am debating whether I want to get the second shot. It was a rough 48 hours. The medical/scientific side of my brain says I should get the second shot, However, my body tells me not to get the second shot. My nurse who also had COVID this summer had the same side effects with her Moderna shot.

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