So....who has had a covid vaccine?

My age 70+ parents got vaccinated yesterday! I was not sure they would agree to without prodding so I am thrilled the first dose is done.


My friend and her husband are both over 65 living in NYC. They havenā€™t been able to get an appointment. Last night in Cuomoā€™s daily Covid update it included a link for vaccine scheduler. I jumped on it right away and got an appt for my girlfriend on Feb 4. It took me 15+ min to get it done. I then tried to get her husband an appt, but could only get one for March.
My friend said she was going to cancel her appointment because she was afraid her husband would be upset about her getting it first (she is 10 years younger than him). I told her she was being stupid. I then offered to try to get one outside of NYC. She said he didnā€™t want to travel too far to get his shot. Mind you, they own a car thatā€™s parked in their buildingā€™s apartment. The husband would drive to Westchester or LI to play golf.
Lucky for them I was able to keep on trying and also got him an appointment for Feb 4. I am able to do it with multiple browsers open and kept on refreshing.


My second shot is Tuesday morningā€¦in the middle of what now seems like a snow storm. :crossed_fingers:it all still happens.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing for my parentā€™s friends. Iā€™ve felt at times that it was my full-time job! Donā€™t tell my employer.

Iā€™m very glad to hear that they are opening a large site in Yankee Stadium for residents of the Bronx. Hopefully itā€™s easier for people there to get in, and itā€™s organized enough so that doses donā€™t go unused.

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No good deed goes unpunished, @Oldfort.
I got my second shot this past Tuesday (pfizer). Very, very mild sore arm for a day at most and nothing else. I has a very mild HA but I get those often so it could have been normal. Hopefully if all goes well DH gets his second shot (Moderna) Friday. There have been scheduling and supply issues, so fingers and toes crossed.


My state just canceled all appointments at all three mass vaccination sites in town for all of next week due a not having an guaranteed vaccine supply. Each site was vaccinating 1,000 people/day and had plans to ramp to 3,000 people/day within the next 2 weeks. Bummer.

Moderna vaccine this am, at small Family health center.
Interesting two couples, one in front of me in line to sign in, and other waiting behind me, decided to just show up for thr vaccine without apt.
10,000 people registered on the website, and the facility calls people.
Well, they were both told very nicely, they would be called, and no vaccine without apts.

Itā€™s such a stressful time for all. I understand.


Husband and I just got our first vaccine (Moderna) at Petco Park drive through super site. The traffic wasnā€™t budging and someone walking past said there was no wait for pedestrians. So we parked right where we were and walked two blocks. Once inside, there was about a two block walk to the short line. Lovely sunny day and the staff was great. We shall see the side effects.


Itā€™s been a very, very long time since Iā€™ve posted. But I thought that itā€™s probably worth mentioning that I got my first Covid vaccination last night here in NYC at the Javits Center, in the West 30s on 11th Avenue. It turned out to be the Pfizer vaccine, and everything was fine. My son came along to keep me company and in case I didnā€™t feel well afterwards. But not only did I feel absolutely nothing when I got the shot (Me: ā€œI didnā€™t feel anything!ā€ Nurse: ā€œThatā€™s because Iā€™m good!ā€ Me: ā€œYes you are!ā€), but I felt nothing afterwards, not even a sore arm. And nothing since then except for a slight sore arm about 6 am today that was gone an hour or so later ā€“ and I didnā€™t mind it, since at least it proves I really did get it! Iā€™m also quite tired today, but thatā€™s nothing unusual for me, so itā€™s probably unrelated.

At the end, I received a card recording the date, time, location and lot number of my vaccination, with my appointment for the second shot on the reverse, scheduled for Feb. 19, three weeks from the first. Iā€™m looking forward to it.

I was personally pleased (because the wait was non-existent), but somewhat disappointed in a general sense, that there seemed to be only a few dozen other people getting vaccinated while I was there. Hopefully it was just that it was in the evening, and not because of a lack of demand. It was quite a surreal scene, like some avant garde French film ā€“ a giant, quiet, mostly empty convention center the size of an airplane hangar, with more staff than ā€œpatients.ā€ And, because itā€™s a NY State rather than NY City location, with the staff (in addition to the people taking information and administering the shots) consisting entirely of a substantial number of very pleasant young National Guardsman (I saw no women) in their uniforms, stationed every 30 feet or so to point you in the right direction, pass you on to the next Guardsman, tell you where to sit, etc. Plus the yellow arrows on the floor telling you the same thing. Plus my glasses continually fogging up, so I could barely see anything throughout except lights and vague shapes of people.

In general, if this were a Yelp review of the experience, Iā€™d give it 5 stars. Iā€™m also pleased that I got phone calls the last few days both from Callen-Lorde (my usual healthcare provider), and from the NYC authorities, asking if I wanted vaccinations either yesterday or today, the former at their Bronx or Brooklyn locations, and the latter at the Fort Washington Armory. I decided to keep my Javits Center appointment, but itā€™s a very good sign that thereā€™s a concerted effort being made to reach out to eligible people.

Now, the finish line is in sight. If everything goes well, by the beginning of March I should be largely protected (Iā€™m aware of the caveats), and shouldnā€™t have to worry quite so much all the time. I recognize how lucky I am. There are other states, never mind countries, where I probably wouldnā€™t be getting vaccinated for months yet. So, Iā€™m really very happy.


So nice to hear from you @DonnaL. May we all have such a great experience with our vaccines. Sounds really promising

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My father in law also got his first Moderna jab at Petco this morning. So happy!


Every time someone mentions Petco, I keep wondering why someone is getting their vaccine at a pet store. Even though I know you are talking about Petco Park, I still see the store where I buy pet supplies. :thinking:


Thatā€™s what I said when they first made the announcement!


But they were looking for veterinarians in southern california to volunteer to administer shots, soā€¦

I forgot you posted that earlier. It still makes me pause when I see it!

Was discussing our individual reactions to both Pfizer shots with Several professional colleagues. The men had a rough day-after-the -second shot and the women were fineā€” no reaction whatsoever. Except I play online bridge with friends and that next day didnā€™t play well. Musta been the shot. Thatā€™s my story and I am sticking to it.


Has your sister tried calling Kaiser? They are offering vaccines to both members and non members.

I received my first Pfizer vaccine earlier this month and had a sore arm, mild headache and lethargy. I was more lazy than tired. I received the second vaccine last week and the next morning woke up with deep muscle and body aches. I had a difficult time focusing and stayed in bed most of the day. The symptoms lasted almost 24 hours. The next day I felt much better.

My spouse had arm & neck pain and fatigue with the first vaccine and minimal symptoms with the second.


Some people we know got automatically scheduled for their second dose right after the first. We got a ā€œscheduling ticketā€ but nothing open in four weeks. I think the county and UCSD Health keep adjusting the system. My husband heard on this morningā€™s talk shows that the first dose of Moderna gives more immunity than the first dose of Pfizer (82% vs 55% or something in that range). Also that waiting a bit past the three/four weeks for the second shot gives better immunity, i.e. donā€™t worry about being exact. But that all may or may not be accurate.


@lkg4answers: My sister was finally able to get her first shot last week and has her 2nd already scheduled. Thanks for the info.


Yay, calendar just opened up for four weeks out and we are scheduled for second dose.

I would throw my husband a 70th birthday party at the end of March with all our immune friends - except itā€™s the first seder of Passover :).