So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I got the first Moderna shot 1/25 in Houston at a drive through location sponsored by the City health department. No side effects so far. I am under 65 but have a preexisting medical condition so I fell under Group 1B. I got a text alert from the city and registered online the minute the city opened some appointments. The city is supposed to contact me to return for dose 2. Fingers crossed about getting the second dose on time


As expected
my second covid shot for Tuesday was cancelled. We are supposed to get up to 16 inches of snow starting about 1 a.m. continuing for about 36 hours. Yikes.

I was directed on the VAMS site to reschedule and I have a confirmation for an appointment at a different location for this Friday. Hoping it doesn’t snow

There are concerns regarding getting vaccine deliveries during this storm in the northeast. I’m sure that my site wasn’t the only cancelled one.

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I have been trying to get my MIL signed up in Seattle. This afternoon I went to the Safeway pharmacy site and clicked a different place where it said “check availability” and got a plethora of choices for the next 10 days. Trying to complete it on my phone and then IPad timed out but switched to real computer and was successful. She’s in next week!
Told this to my Seattle nurse daughter and told her I would send a screen shot of the right link, but when I went back there was only one appointment left for the whole week. I just got lucky and was there when they released appointments. So, if you are trying to book through the Safeway/Albertsons/etc chain, try next Sunday right after noon?


Now I just have to get my mom in Orange County scheduled!

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@MaineLonghorn just wondering
you had that fabulous advocate for your dad when he was ill. I wonder if she would be any help getting a covid shot scheduled. Just a thought.

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My aunt and uncle just got their 1st doses at Chapman College yesterday, I believe. Check there!


My step dad got his at Soka University on Tuesday and my mom got hers at a Family Care Center in Fountain Valley yesterday (COVID-19 Office Response - Family Care Centers, Orange County) I am not sure if she got the appointment through her physician or the Othena site.


My mother got her vaccine this morning at a big drive thru event at the baseball stadium. They had 5000 yesterday and 5000 today. My brother took her and there was no issue at all, whole thing took about 5 minutes and then they waited the 15, all in the car.

She never could have done it without help. She could not have scheduled the appt (my nephew signed her up on the UC Health webpage, and she won a lottery). There was a bar code sent to nephew, and he sent to me and I sent to brother - my mother doesn’t have a cell phone with data, although I guess she does get text messages, but really, she wouldn’t know how to pull that up for the check in. All they needed was her name and birthdate - no insurance info, no charge. She returns in 3 weeks, same process, same time, for shot 2. Hoping for the same perfect weather so they can get the 10,000 people through.

I think they will keep doing these for the next group(s) approved. Next up here are teachers and 65-69 year olds. If they do the 65+ for the next 2 weekends, return to the 70’s and up for the second shots, etc., it should work out pretty well (but at some time it IS going to snow in Denver)


My daughter got her first shot yesterday (moderna). Her arm was achy all day. Tonight she has a mild rash on her stomach and toes. She sometimes gets rashes when she has an infection, so I am thinking this is the same thing. Her body overreacts with histamine when it is fighting something (building immunity). No doctor has ever been able to figure it out (including allergists, dermatologists, ER doctors, etc.)


I’m a physical therapist in Georgia, and have had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. I’m healthy and in my mid-50s. No side effects other than a sore arm. As an aside, I took Tylenol about 1 hour after getting the 2nd dose to ward off side effects, so I don’t know if it was that, or if I just got lucky. About half my co-workers had to call in sick the next day after the second dose due to chills and a mild fever.


So excited! I got an appointment for Thursday morning to get the Moderna vaccine.


who got a vaccine? ME ME ME ME!!! I am sooooo excited. I got a call from HR 30 min ago saying they had cancellations. Could I make it to the health center soon? I flew out the door and was there in 30 sec. I’m already done including the 15 min wait. Everything went smoothly and I have my second dose scheduled for the 26th. Same day as H. And I also got the Moderna. Didn’t even feel the shot. But we will see about the sore arm and the other stuff later. Did I mention how excited I am!!!


Yay @ClassicMom98 - I hope this helps your comfort level - especially after the 26th!


My parents were both vaccinated on Friday. I was surprised because their doc scheduled it for them and they are both still recovering from Covid in December. Neither was hospitalized so I guess it was safe for them. Glad I don’t have to worry again about them getting it, for a while at least.

My daughter was vaccinated yesterday. She traveled out of state to her workplace, which is vaccinating all remote employees. She had a long nap yesterday afternoon and says she feels tired today.

My son had Covid in November with no ill effects at all and barely knew he had it. Now that D is vaccinated, I feel that at least hubby and are a little safer. I can’t see either of us getting the vaccine for a while.


Just got back from getting Moderna shot 2. They were only giving dose 2 and I hardly saw anyone who wasn’t over 65. Last time it seemed like about a third were younger folks in scrubs or uniforms. Long line but it kept moving.
I’ll report back tomorrow about any side effects.


That’s odd. Was your state vaccinating seniors in early January? If not, why would they be getting their second dose this week?

Yes, Texas has been giving the shot to over 65 since late December. We signed up right after Christmas and got dose 1 four weeks ago.


If Texas is giving shots to over 65, then why is a poster here having difficulty getting an appointment for her 80 something parent.

Could you please post how you go about getting scheduled in Texas?


I’m not in Texas but I cannot get my 83 year old dad an appointment in my state even though they are vaccinating group 1B which he is in. I’ve tried all hours of the day/night. He’s registered with the county but demand is high. I’m hoping by March. So, just because they are scheduling this group does not mean it’s happening for everyone who qualifies. May also depend on what part of the state one lives.


@thumper1, it varies county by county. My 85 year old aunt and uncle in a small town haven’t had any success finding a spot. Large counties around DFW are staging huge events, as long as one has the technological skill for the online signup. But the backlog is getting worse as people flood to sign up.

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