So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Got dose #1 today, Moderna. I am so happy. The shot itself was painless – mass drive through event, totally efficient – by the time of my scheduled appointment I had already received the shot.


Which county? I’m asking because I’m also in the Bay Area and if you go to my county’s website, it looks like vax is still only available to the 75+ group – but there is a “notification tool” - I signed up for that last week, on Monday had an email inviting me to schedule an appointment at the county-run drivethrough – currently vaccinating age 65+. My guess is that the county is not announcing these specific vax events publicly to avoid people trying to crash the vax location, and also because of issues tied to vaccine availability.

In other words, maybe they know they can’t possibly meet the demand for everyone over age 65 yet, but that they can roll out those vaccines in a controlled way.

The online notification system didn’t make any promises – but they did collect relevant info from me (age, occupation, etc. ) – so that gives them the data they need so that when they have doses available, they can go to their online notification database and send out emails. So if you see anything like that, sign.


Had Pfizer 2nd shot 1 week ago today. The following day I had no SE’s, not even a swollen arm. The next day I had body aches, low grade fever, chills and headache. All normal. Felt tired for a few days. So happy I did it. (health care provider)


I was able to get m parents who are in their 80’s appointments in MA for this weekend for their first shots…second to follow three weeks and 1 day later. They are in good health, but I will feel much better after they have had their vaccines


NY just opened vaccine availability to taxi drivers and restaurant workers. At first the governors balked, but he’s the one who just opened NYC restaurants for indoor dining (limited to 25 percent capacity).


DH has had both doses of Pfizer vaccine. Not much reaction to speak of with either shot. My parents (75+) have each had their first dose and dad has an appointment for his second. Mom is still waiting for the email invite for the second appointment. It doesn’t work to share that invite here. Dad tried to use his to make moms second appointment and the system said she wasn’t yet invited. A friend in eduction had her first dose and a week later her arm swelled and got red and itchy at the vaccine site. Seems to be a case of “Covid vaccine arm” which has been popping up in the news the last few days. Odd. She had the Pfizer vaccine.
The online system Arizona is using for scheduling most vaccines is not user friendly, especially for old folks. They published pdf instructions on how to use the system to make appointments—it’s 33 pages long! I’m thankful my parents were able to make appointments but many of their friends are still trying and very frustrated and ready to give up. DH says the same of the elderly clients at his pharmacy. He is spending a significant portion of every day talking to seniors who can’t figure out the system and just want a vaccine. About a dozen local pharmacies are giving vaccines, and his store is one, but it’s by appointment only, for age 75+ only, and there’s an online registration system separate from the state system for the mass vaccination sites, and the appointments get snapped up as soon as they open up. So the elderly have to check the state system and the systems in use by at least two pharmacy chains looking for appointments, which are very scarce to begin with.
The system Arizona has works very smoothly once you have an appointment. No complaints there. Getting the appointment is the problem—a user-unfriendly system combined with the shortage of vaccine is really frustrating.
Meanwhile, I’m in the no priority group so I sit and wait.

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So, I had the vaccine on January 22nd. My husband was exposed to Covid January 27th, he came down with symptoms/tested positive February 1st, and today I woke up feeling mildly ill. We will see if 13 days post vaccine will help at all. DH was in bed the last three days but woke up feeling great today.


Great news today!! My primary clinic called this morning and said that they had some vaccine available and could my husband and I come in to get it!! (We were 150th on the list 2 weeks ago.) We were there 15 minutes later and have now received the Pfizer vaccine. Our second dose will be March 1st. I am so relieved. I thought it would take weeks for us to get it. We are both over 70. While we were leaving a friend that I play bridge with was arriving for her shot. She is in her 80’s!!


Someone had made a large poster for the exit door where I got my shot Monday reminding people to take a picture of their vaccine card in case it is lost. A very good idea, which I am going to go do right now!


However, it is not recommended to share such a photo on social media, unless you cover up any personally identifying information like name and date of birth, medical ID numbers, etc…

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We received electronic record that we have been vaccinated from vaccination clinics the following day after our appointment.

I’ve wondered about that: going to other counties or states that are either managing it better or where one is eligible sooner. Spouse and I already have had first dose, but it’s an interesting question since the vaccine is a federal project. I would think states would not want non residents due to dose distribution based on population, but not sure they can stop it.

@MIP750 maybe I’m misunderstanding you…but in my state, we can easily go from town to town, county to county for vaccine. I got my first shot in the town near mine. And I’m supposed to get my second at a town about a 20 minute drive away in a different county. It’s not an issue here.

My husband and I got our first dose of Moderna yesterday. Sore arm is the only side effect for either of us. We got our second shot appointments at the same time. I had registered with my county, my city, two pharmacy chains and the one hospital that offered registration. Haven’t heard from any of them yet. A friend sent me a link for appointment scheduling at a different hospital and I was lucky enough to schedule appointments during the brief period the link was open. It’s closed now, they were overwhelmed.


I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine this morning. So far no side effects. Already have an appt for my second dose on March 3.

I was surprised that no one asked for an ID, insurance info or even cared that my legal residence is OOS (from where I received my vaccination). The clinic was sponsored by the medical group my D works for. Hospital employees and their immediate family members were eligible for vaccination. I got my vax (over 65) so did my SIL (40-something, no health risks).


Someone up thread said they must show proof of residency in their county. So I was wondering if that was actually appropriate given the federal and/or state rules re vaccination. Providers can say they won’t vaccinate you if non resident but can they actually deny you if you otherwise are eligible?

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We have friends who live in California that received their vaccines in Colorado. They couldn’t get it in California where they live.

In CA you have to show proof of residency for your county. You can’t get vaccinated in different country. LA country vaccinate 65+, SF I believe 70+

We’re worried about this as well MIP750. Spouse and I are legal residents of different states, but we’re together about 3/4 of the year. Current state we’re in requires proof of county residency (or employment). He’s fine. I have neither except my name on a lease. We’ll see.

I believe spouses can be considered residents in many places. I am a resident of another state (although was able to get vaccine in current state where spouse is resident). I inquired in my home state and they said spouse and other immediate family members would be considered residents.