So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I had almost an identical experience after my 2nd Pfizer shot last Wednesday—quite tired on Thursday, but by Friday no lingering effects except for a bit of arm soreness.


I love this story


Had my second dose of Pfizer at 10:30am today. The Javits Center in NYC continues to be amazingly well organized. From the minute we walked in the door to the minute we exited, including the 15 minute waiting period, 30 minutes elapsed. They had separate sections for the Pfizer and J&J vaccines, as well as for 1st and 2nd doses of Pfizer. As of now my arm is becomingly increasingly sore. It’s already worse than it was on day 2 after the first shot, so we’ll see what tomorrow brings.


Yes my shoulder was very sore as well, to the point that a couple times I briefly wondered if maybe I had picked some kind of infection. I couldn’t really raise my arm above my head comfortably for a day or two due to the muscle pain. But hang in there, it began easing up very quickly around the 3rd day for me and was just about gone by the 4th day.

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I still have a 2" diameter bruise on that arm, though the tiny shot did not hurt at all. And my lymph nodes in my neck and head are still swollen, it’s been 6 days.

Add me to the list! One shot down (Pfizer), one to go. So thrilled and relieved to be on my way to fully-vaccinated status.


Got my second Phizer shot Saturday. This one kicked my butt! Fever,aches and pains…generally miserable. Feeling a bit better today but still not 100%.


D2 has asthma and was able to get her vaccine last week. She texted me saying she had checked in and was in line. I was at the grocery store when I received the text. All of a sudden, I got kind of emotional, tearing up (not sobbing), just so grateful she was able to get in.

She texted me after a bit, saying that right after she texted me, she started crying, she was so grateful and relieved. So I think we were getting teary and emotional at the same time. A nurse checking people in squeezed her arm as she cried, saying “I know, sweetheart, I know.”

I will be so happy once everyone who wants a vaccine is able to get one.


Hope you are on the mend …

Two days past Pfizer #2 (Sunday morning) and can report that I had a low grade fever all day yesterday, a sore arm, and achy joints. Everything except the achy joints (even my finger joints) is gone as of this morning.


I got an email from my hospital system Sunday afternoon, asking me to schedule my vaccine. I got my first dose of Pfizer this morning! They had an amazing vaccine clinic set up at the hospital …they were pumping people through really quickly. H had his vaccine last week at a different hospital system. We are thrilled to have this halfway done. Now if my brother and SIL could just get theirs. She works at Kroger, where there is plenty of lip service about their employees getting vaccinated - except that none of them from her store have been able to actually get appointments.

Adding: My niece lives in Spain, and she had her first AstraZeneca shot last Saturday. Now the program is on pause, and she isn’t sure what happens now. She had fever & chills Saturday & Sunday with the first shot.


Day 10 after my second Moderna dose. I still have the (mostly) itchless rash that started on day two, but it finally began lessening a couple of days ago. It peaked at about day six, having spread intermittently down the arm toward the elbow and around to the inside in patches. I did consult with a nurse practitioner at that time. Each patch was sore to the touch, and also felt slightly warm. The soreness is leaving as the redness fades.

Oddly it began lightly itching in spots a couple of days ago, about the time Covid arm would normally manifest. Perhaps instead of sitting dormant until then, my skin decided to react.

I’ve been treating with hydrocortisone cream and icing twice a day, plus one Advil overnight. I’m guessing up to another week or so before it finally leaves.


My husband had his second Moderna shot yesterday in the late afternoon (5:15). He’s tired, has a headache and slight fever, and his ears are ringing. I had not heard anything about this prior to his identifying it, but apparently tinnitus is one of the possible side effects of the vaccine.

On the plus side we had dinner and spent the night at this lovely place:

Highly recommend. We drove 2 hours to the CVS pharmacy in Lower Township and decided to stay the night.


Had COVID vaccine - Moderna - with tough reaction!

Have any of you heard recent plans from your schools to provide onsite vaccinations to your kids?

The vaxes are still being tested on kids. I don’t believe any of them have been approved yet.

Pfizer is approved for age 16 and up - parents are required to be present for administration to 16 and 17 y/o; the others are 18 and over. All of them are EUA, emergency use authorization; I don’t foresee schools taking on that liability of vaccinating unaccompanied minors with provisionally approved vaccines.

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I had a routine mammogram appointment tomorrow and they suggested I wait 4-6 weeks post vaccine in case there are enlarged lymph nodes.

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I’m waffling on mine next week. It’ll be 3.5 weeks from my second shot. I know I should probably go, but I really don’t want to, so this is a good excuse, right? But it’s already been 18 months and I’d probably be fine and rescheduling here means 6 more months. But then again, I’m very low risk for cancer based on family history. Ugh. I keep going back and forth. (Honestly, I don’t mind the mammogram part. It’s the gyn part I’d rather skip, but they do it all together here)

H (69) and I (65) got Pfizer 4 weeks ago- sore arm and slightly tired. Yesterday around noon got second shot- both probably slight fever last night. Today arm sore, achy joints, and in addition H has a headache. So far so good. To me it feels like when I just finished my one and only half marathon 5 years ago.


In California most students who work for the universities in any capacity (TA, RA, bookstore, lifeguard, etc) are receiving vaccines. The bigger universities (UCs, CSU, USC, Stanford, etc) are offering them on site.

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